cake eaters military slang

As the name implies, the deck is indeed blue tile there. Standard Navy Redundancy Standard. Bar Stool Technician: A term labeled to the former AQ rating, Aviation Fire Control Technician. A ship's bumper sticker was authorized by the CO and were printed by the thousands until the CO found out what BOHICA meant. Material condition: Status open or closed, of various fittings, hatches, etc, which are denoted by a letter. Gator squares: Putting a square on a chart, often 3 miles by 3 miles, in the middle of a body of water, and steaming around in it for hours. White Rats: Tampons which appear after a sewage leak in the female head. Balls to Four: A four hour watch technically stood from 0000-0400, though in practice begining at 2345 and ending at 0345. Can be used with varying inflection and tone without consequence to signify enthusiasm or disgruntlement without stepping outside the bounds of professionalism. The Navy "rents" them for an extra year in return for promoting them. Enlisting at 17. cake eater Slang term from the 1920's meaning a lady's man. : People Against People Ever Reenlisting Civilian Life Is Preferable. EB Green: Green duct tape acquired from Electric Boat in Groton, CT; can be used to fix almost anything, temporarily. Usually the junior NFO on a patrol aircraft. Term has become obsolete due to more normal looking frame choices now offered (outside of enlisted recruit training, at least). Wardroom: Officer's mess, or dining room. DD: Destroyer, class of ship. 21: And you fellows, if you find some cake-eaters trying to take advantage of your sister, what are you going to do? Term used mostly by disgruntled personnel to refer to an "A.J. Shit River: The extremely polluted (mostly with sewage) canal just outside the Subic Bay main gate. Usually this form of Extra Military Instruction is reserved for the most severe dirtbags who are either consistently failing uniform inspection or look like crap on a daily basis. Generally X(X-ray): always closed, Y(Yoke): closed while underway, Z(Zebra): closed while at GQ. Penis Anus: Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNS). 1MC - The overhead public address system on US Navy ships. Only qualified medical personnel can recommend SIQ, and only the command can authorize it. A phrase all MilSpouses should be saying to each other. Port: Left side of the boat or ship (when facing the bow). Kluck: n. masc. "We're going to The Boat for a few weeks.". Miss Shit Can: The USS Michigan (SSGN-727). BMOS: Big Man On Ship: Often refers to the ship's Captain. Fart Suit: Dry suit worn by aviators when flying over cold water. Boxing your coffee: Using two paper cups and pouring back and forth to mix creamer and/or sugar. The washer or nut spins wildly due to the high pressure of the steam. Often placed off limits by the captain. Specialized training for Avaition maintainers. Light off: To literally light the fire in a boiler. Generally speaking, a cake eater was a spoiled socialite, quite the opposite of a "he-man." Hal Bayer Materials Management (1983-present) Author has 445 answers and 123.6K answer views 3 y Served at galleys in lieu of regular chow for sailors on the go. Iron Bottom Sound: A term used to this day to describe the waters between Guadalcanal, Savo Island, and Florida Island in the Solomon Island chain, because of the large number of ships sunk in that area during World War II. (hence nickname). Field Survey: The nominal survey taken before discarding a worn-out item "in the field" (often off the end of the pier) instead of submitting it for a proper, formal "survey" to determine if it should be redistributed or disposed of. What does the term Bravo Foxtrot mean? The Enlistee is immediately granted E-3 rank upon completion of basic training, and E-4 rank upon completion of "A" school. Usually introduced by XO on the 1MC. Sailor 1: "What are you having for chow?" Normally a last resort, yet used more often than not, that when not done properly causes one hell-of-a mess especially on CHT lines when some unfortunate soul is on the crapper when the full force of the firemain comes through. "WESTPAC widow" or "Boomer Widow.". Short Timer's Chain: A chain that hangs from the belt of a "short timer" for all to see, with one link representing a day, signifying too short to care, and usually starting with 30 links. When she did get underway she was typically towed back in, whereupon she was referred to as "USS Broke". Bitchbox: Intercom or amplified circuit used to communicate between spaces of a ship. Chowdale: An airwing member who spend all their time in line for chow, holding up others who actually have things to do. Charlies are electrical fires, and Deltas burn exotic materials, often metals like magnesium. 8 Day Skate: On a four section duty roster there is time where each section finishes duty in the morning and is not on duty again for seven more days. Sea Daddy: Senior, more experienced sailor who unofficially takes a new member of the crew under his wing and mentors him. "The MPA signed his chit for an extra three days of leave in San Dog, but the Cheng wouldn't let him go, so now he's DIW.". Roger That: A term of understanding and acceptance when given an order or other information. ), but does not have the skills to compete successfully. Dilbert Dunker: Device used in water survival training ("swims") to teach aviators how to get out of the cockpit of a fixed-wing aircraft that has crashed or ditched at sea. On small boats, the "First" is in charge of boatswain mates and deck seaman. Example: Pucker factor was high when he landed that Turkey single engine with complete AC power failure at night. Right side of an aircraft when facing the nose. Bluejacket's Manual: The handbook of seamanship issued to recruits. Akin to PFM (pure fucking magic). Ricky Boxing: Masturbation. See "air wing.". CGU-11: Nomenclature for a Seagull to boot sailors. Consists of classroom and pool instruction and culminates with the dreaded "Dilbert Dunker" and "Helo Dunker. Check Valve: A person who "does for himself or herself, but not others." May also be burned into the skin. "Tack on crow": (Hazing) When promoted in rank, senior and equivalent ranks would tack the crow (solidly punching) patch on one's arm as good luck so it does not "fall off." Humped the bunk: Screwed up. "Boot ensign.". During the act of getting underway, an order to ", Sinker: Loss of contact with a submarine being tracked by a surface ship when the submarine submerges. PRT: Physical Readiness Test. The fake watch is intended for the amusement of the crew. C.L.I.P. "She was a 2 before going to sea, a 10 out at sea, and back to a 2 when she returned.". Pump and Dump: A term in Boot Camp, normally used by RDCs allowing Recruits time to use the Head. Fuckface: Any person or thing which has a face. Much easier than the dreaded "helo dunker. IYARYAS: Unofficial acronym used by Reactor Department to make fun of the similar phrase, IYAOYAS, used by ordinance. The closest civilian equivalent is BMOC (Big Man On Campus). Drill Rodeo: A game in which a screwdriver is inserted head first into drill where bit should go and battery is removed. Ricky Lawnmower: Nailclippers, used to trim stray threads from uniforms. Supposedly from the first letters of the words "Oh Shit. Ricky Sweep: Use of a bare hand to gather dustbunnies and other dirt from a deck. Generally only applied to someone who has earned the speaker's respect. Used to attract the attention of a rescue helicopter in the event of a man overboard by the victim in the water. Building 36: The USS Bryce Canyon (AD-36). Ricky Ray-Gun: The cheap, disposable flashlights Recruits use while standing night watch in the barracks. Dirty-shirt wardroom: (Aircraft Carrier): Forward wardroom immediately below the flight deck for pilots wearing (sweaty) flight gear and working ship's officers. Compare to "A.J. USS Belcrash: The USS Belknap (CG-26). It is sounded during flag ceremonies and funerals, generally on bugle or trumpet. (It is usually impossible to be triced up in a top rack, as top racks usually have no ceiling.). There are some sources that mention the origins . Paddles: Code word for the LSO (see above). Cunt Hair: A very small unit of measurement, used when eyeballing something. Now, just Rudolph. R2D2: Dome-shaped Phalanx CIWS system, after the visually similar. Used mostly to supply breathing air to shipboard firefighters before civilian firefighter equipment was approved and adopted. Military slang is practically a second language. When the Aircraft carrier goes through the canal, the crew member's job is to look for monkeys trying to jump on the ship. See UA, the correct Naval term. Marine Mattress: A female who likes to "socialize" with the Marines. USS Neverdock: Any ship that seems to stay out at sea for unusually long periods of time. Plank Owner: Term used for original crew personnel assigned to ships company during commissioning. Screaming Alpha: A sailor who is on fire and is running around screaming. Channel Fever: Anxiousness, felt when approaching port, to get leave. Also possibly named to represent a generator that is providing no power to the system and therefore not taking on its share of the load. Also called "Cornbacked Gator" or "Brown Trout.". You know that is unauthorized." Ricky Rocket: A boot camp "energy drink" made from an assorted mix of sodas, sports drinks, coffee, sugar and artificial sweetners used to help keep the recruit awake. Most commonly seen on a "Dogged Watch" schedule. cake eater a slap-in-the-face term used by Terry of the Mighty Ducks, he reffers to his teammate as a "cake eater" that means that his teammate eats more cake than anyone on his team combined. Admin: Aviation,Pre-arranged meeting point, or shared hotel in-port. (Petty Officer to Sailor: "is there something the matter with you? Variations include clinging to the MAD boom or water-skiing from the MAD Boom. Oil King - An enlisted engineer responsible for fuel, lube oil, boilerwater and feedwater testing and also their quality, quantity, and transfers around the ship. Some'are here, some'are there, some'are everywhere.". Officer: "Noted." BINGO: Minimum fuel needed to return to base (RTB). (2) An argumentative, cantankerous or know-it-all sailor. Benny Suggs: The Navy's Beneficial Suggestions program, a method where DON employees, and Navy and Marine personnel can make suggestions to improve various programs and operations. Cake-eater: Derogative term for officers. POG: (Person Other than Grunt) A term often used by Marine Infantry (Grunts) to refer to anyone who is not them. Named for the affordable alcoholic beverage it sells to junior sailors and contractors, ChuHai. Often scrawled on the walls of toilet stalls by sailors who have been assigned to clean it for a reason. Golden Dragon: A sailor who has crossed the Prime Meridian or the International Date Line into the Eastern Hemisphere. as sailors wander past in search of libations. Differs from leave (see above) in that one must stay close to one's home station and it is generally much shorter. Can house: Bordello. "There are two kinds of people on a ship: Engineers and Riders. Used in slang expressions such as "Talk to me when you've got some Time On The Pond.". forecastle zoo: Game of naming everything on the forecastle which has an animal name, e.g. Today- taking an afternoon off to take care of 'personal matters'. Pit Sword: A sword-shaped device that protrudes below the ship to measure its speed. VERTREP: Vertical Replenishment: The taking of supplies (resupply) from a supply ship via helo pick-up and drop-off. VC: Viet Cong: Guerilla forces in South Vietnam allied with the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) during the Vietnam War. Bag Nasty: A pre-packaged bag lunch usually consisting of a cold cut sandwich, piece of fruit, and juice box or can of soda. On other surface ships. PFM: "Pure Fucking Magic", term applied to when things work, but one doesn't know how or why but they work. Smooth Crotch/Smoothie: A term for Reactor Control division for their tendencies to find ways to never conduct manual labor. Also referred to as a "talking kneeboard." Usually used among those who aren't particularly pleased with shipboard life. XO: Executive Officer: The second-in-Command of a ship, aviation squadron or shore command, second in authority to the Commanding Officer. When an aviator flies an aircraft into the clouds, can no longer see the earth or the horizon, and is dependent on instruments for navigation, he is said to be "in the goo." Chief Warrant Officer (W1W5): A "Super Goat," a highly qualified senior enlisted (E-7/E-8) person who has earned a commission through a competitive process and continues to work in their technical field. This is generally done when fuel is almost all used up with no hope of making it to a safe landing area, or when a slowly developing but potentially fatal emergency is going on. CHENG: Chief Engineer. Meat Gazer: Unlucky individual designated to make sure the urine in a "Whiz Quiz" actually comes from the urinator's body. What does cake-eaters expression mean? Smurf: A recruit who is in his first few days of boot camp who hasn't been issued uniforms yet, and thus wears a "Smurf Suit" (see below). PFA: Physical Fitness Assessment: new name for PRT. "Have your cake and eat it too". The term is used, regardless of the officer's age or gender, when the officer has gained the respect of subordinates. Used pejoratively if the officer in question is overly proud of this fact. Example: "The fuckin' aux drain pump is fuckin' broke-dick.". #19. Port and Report: A watch stood without relief. Widely known workups involving the carrier and the airwing are TSTA, COMPTUEX, and RIMPAC. Cock-ologist: Corpsman (derived from a 1980s Coca Cola commercial having a Coke-ologist). Also the Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist breast insignia. Soup Sandwich: Any situation or individual that is FUBAR. Common departments are combat systems (combination of some operations/weapons department divisions) supply, admin, deck, engineering, operations, and maintenance. Comp Time: Compensation Time, time/days off during week for shore-based sailors who had weekend assignments, above and beyond mere watch-standing. Can also have a second F added to the end, when used in this context it means ", Dimed/Diming out/Dropping dimes: Comes from dropping a dime in a pay phone to make a call. Scuttlebutt: (1) A drinking fountain. Also known as the Bitch Box. SLJO: Shitty Little Jobs Officer. Uncle Sam's Canoe Club: The US Coast Guard. : Big Ol' Standard Navy-Issue Ass (from the apparent widening of the hips due in part to the cut of the working uniforms), Bosun's Punch: New sailors on ship are sometimes assigned to find this mythical tool in the office of one of the ship's Bosuns (. Building 38: The USS Puget Sound (AD-38). Cumshaw: The art of trading something that doesn't belong to you, to someone, for something that doesn't belong to them, not necessarily for personal gain, but to circumvent regular supply channels, or to obtain something not available through supply channels. Fresh Water Navy (derogatory) members of the US Coast Guard. JORP: Junior Officer Rest Period. Shaft Alley Sally: A loose and easy female shipmate that would be willing and ready to get it on down in machinery spaces and/or shaft alleys. Phraseology: Instant Boatswain's Mate, just add water. Often done in boot camp. Roll-em's: Movie night, usually shown in the ready room or the wardroom. A pad eye is a recessed anchor point found in the decks of U.S. Navy Ships. (2) (. A recruit chosen in boot camp to "be in charge" when the Company Commander, or other authority figure, are not present. ".then you smash his fucking grape! Lieu-fucking-tenant: Illustrates Navy practice of including a swear word INSIDE another word. King Neptune: Neptunus Rex, Ruler of the Raging Main, Ancient Order of the Deep. Sailor 2: "Fuhgowee burger sandwiches.". A "cake eater" was the sort of young fellow who might frequent prim social events like afternoon teas, where cakes might be served. One designated Port, and the other there is no other, only Port once again, hence the term re-Port. Also, a joke played on new sailors, who are told to obtain a coil of it (line being the Navy word for rope). CVN 7 on 2: The USS Abraham Lincoln CVN-72. F.I.I.G.M.O. See FAG. : : : : Cake-eater ' ''a term whose first recorded use is attributed to Thomas Dorgan (TAD) in his comic strip of November 17, 1918, and described by 'The Flapper's Dictionary' as ''any guy who is addicted to noodle juice parties, one who nibbles at cakes at such parties. Bravo Bozo: Derisive term that is the opposite of Bravo Zulu. Haze Grey Motherfucker: Sailor (or CO) who prefers to be under way as much as possible, or a ship and crew that spends a great deal of time under waye.g, We were haze grey motherfuckers.. CSO: Combat Systems Officer: Officer responsible for maintenance of a ship's combat system (gun, missile, radar, command control and communications systems). Below department and division. SSGN: Submarine, Guided Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. Tits Machine: Old-school term for a kick-ass aircraft, usually a fighter, that consisted of little more than an airframe, minimal avionics, and a huge engine or two. Estel Jedi Youngling. See "Chub Club.". Fleet Up: When a second in command takes his senior's place upon that senior's transfer, retirement, or other re-assignment. Two-Digit Midget: Sailor with 99 or less days until his/her "End of Active Obligated Service", or EAOS. Originally, "pogue". This can be for a variety of reasons: Medical, personal, disciplinary, etc. Bounce Pattern: When several aircraft are practicing touch and go landings at the same airfield. Monkey and a football: Short for "A monkey trying to fuck a football, and the football is winning." 4MC: Emergency communications circuit that overrides sound powered phone communications to alert controlling stations to a casualty. Retired RMs may have a ZUT certificate or even a ZUT tattoo. Tends to be obese with a strong body odor. 2MC: Engineering loudspeaker circuit. "You are a shitbag!" Public." Such a sailor will likely be restricted to the ship at the next liberty port. Smurf Suit/Smurfs: Set of blue sweatpants and sweatshirt issued on arrival at boot camp; worn for the first several days and thereafter used mostly for PT. The nickname is based on its color and flavor. USS Neversail: (1) Any mock-up ship found in boot camp. See also "Love Boat." This is especially true if the paint being requested is classified as hazardous material, requiring special ventilation and lockouts. So called due to the time spent pierside during work ups for deployment after Mobile Bay failed INSURV inspection in 2011. Mad Shitter (AKA Phantom Shitter): A sailor who does not flush a toilet. MAD Boom surfing: Struggling to complete or barely passing required evolutions in training on the P-3 Orion Patrol Aircraft. SWEATEX: (1) Any evolution or situation, to be performed by an individual, a ship, or even larger unit, subject to scrutiny by a superior, such as a major inspection; (2) An evolution that involves one sailor working while his/her superiors are watching and waiting impatiently. Would you like a kick to help you get airborne? Term used to describe shipboard or 'surface' officers and senior enlisted members, due to the black footwear worn while in khaki uniform. 10. Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69). Often fatal for the aircrew if they do not eject in time. Tronchaser: Those in the AT (primarily I Level) rate who work on Navy avionics. ", Carry on: An officer's reply to a junior person's call to "attention on deck", meaning all present rise and come to attention as a sign of respect. PD-8 is actually a chemical additive used in the evaporator to aid distillation of fresh water. Power School: Naval Nuclear Power School (NNPS), a key part of the training pipeline for Submarine and CVN nuclear power plant operators. To overthink an easy task. Swims: Aviation water survival training. USS Immobile Bay: USS Mobile Bay (CG-53). Follies are held about every 6 to 8 weeks while on deployment. Also sailor(s) who head for the quarterdeck immediately after "shift colors.". SSBN: Submarine, Ballistic Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. DLG: Destroyer, Leader, Guided Missile, class of ship. Khakis: Term used to describe senior enlisted members (E-7 and above) or officers, due to the khaki-colored working uniform typically worn by them. Drifty: Lacking the ability to stay focused while attempting to perform a given task. In general, the CO makes policy, the XO enforces it, hence the name. ", these items have very limited use--one specific evolution--and therefore could also refer to a sailor with only one skill or is qualified on only one watch station. Dilbert: Fictional and clueless cartoon character used in WWII era training material to demonstrate what NOT to do in naval aviation. What does cake eater mean in military? See also "Salty," below. The difference between the two is that significant others may attend dining-outs. Mid-Rats: Short for midnight rations. Down: Not working, out of commission, broken, "broke-dick." Splash: Name earned by a sailor who has had the good fortune to be recovered after accidentally falling overboard until the ship returns home from deployment. Reefer: (1) A refrigeration ship carrying frozen foods. Carpet Bombing. ChuHai: A Japanese alcoholic beverage made by mixing sake and the equivalent of Kool-Aid. Chest Candy: Decorative military ribbons and medals worn on the chest. It's green, of course. Borrowed from the SI unit for reactive power, used to describe a particularly useless Electrician's Mate. Naval method of indicating the time of day aboard ship, usually over the 1MC. See also "Swab. Zero: Officer. (Also known as CGL's Can't Get Laids.). Also called "Cankers and Sores.". Crack House: A designated smoking area aboard ship that is not a. Crapper: A toilet, see also shitter and pisser. Fart sack: Canvas mattress cover (In cold conditions sailors sleep inside them for extra warmth.) Word Shitter: Another name for those embossing label makers. It is usually kept under the mattress and can stand up on its own by the end of cruise. ", FOD Walk Down: A periodic, organized search on an aircraft carrier flight deck or hangar deck looking for debris that a jet engine might ingest. Dirtbag: A term often used by an annoying lifer who has no life outside the navy to insult a sailor for having a few wrinkles in his uniform, having missed a spot while shaving, having a small spot on his uniform, having hair barely touching his ears, etc. The morale boost comes from watching a fresh sailor running back and forth across a flight deck with a 10 foot pole, while crew members call out monkey sightings. Cake-eater: A ladies' man. Workers in the Paint Locker can literally turn someones life into a living hell, by running them all over the ship to get the proper signatures on their paint chit. Jack Off Curtain: The small privacy curtain hanging on the outside of a rack. Living the Dream: A sarcastic term used when someone is asked how they are, they reply with this which sounds upbeat and a positive term, and they are actually miserable. in the civilian world. Saltpeter: Chemical supposedly added to "bug juice" aboard ship to stifle libido. ", USMC: A person's head. Desert Duck: Helo that delivered mail in the Persian Gulf during Operation Earnest Will. DDG: Destroyer, Guided Missile, class of ship. Helmet Fire: When a pilot becomes so task saturated in the cockpit that he loses the big picture and situational awareness (SA). Deckplate: Derogatory term for the lowest worker. Ed's Motel: Navy filmmakers' acronym for Editorials, Motion Picture and Television Department. Chokers: Service Dress White Uniform worn by Officers and Chiefs. The item Whiskey Tango Foxtrot : the Real Language of the Modern American Militaryrepresents a specific, individual, material embodiment of a distinct intellectual or artistic creation found in University of Missouri-St. Louis Libraries. Often symbolized by the wearing of a paperclip on the uniform in varying levels of prominence to indicate the sailor's level of disgruntlement. Also known as a "Butt Shark.". Sea Otter: SeaOpDet-er; a member of a Sea Operational Detachment (SEAOPDET). Constipation: Derogatory name for USS CONSTELLATION (CV-64). ", Ricky Fishing: Masturbation. Pogey Bait: Candy, sweets, ice cream, etc., so called because such items are used as "bribes" for a pogue. or a dirt sailor's sleeping bag. LSO: Landing Safety Officer or Landing Signals Officer. A player unable to make their bid goes set 3 X the bid. 2.) A monthly review print-out of one's pay record, time-in-service, amount of leave on the books, and other important record keeping information. If one is on Vulcan Death Watch, one is up oncoming as drill team, on watch then offgoing as casualty response team, potentially followed by another 6 hour watch. In the navy warrants are generally older and more experienced in a particular area of expertise than a commissioned line officer, much like an "LDO." Non-Useful Dody) A sailor who has not completed any qualifications and is therefore of no use to their division. Or jump out of your rack and make it. CPO: Chief Petty Officer. Love Boat: (1) A sub tender crewed primarily by female sailors; see also "Tuna Boat." Boat Boo: A sailors girlfriend or boyfriend aboard ship, usually during deployment, and often an arranged affair between two married sailors. Weight gain apparent in senior enlisted men and women who have taken desk jobs. Usually headed by a junior officer (JO). Battle Group (BG): A group of warships and supply ships centered around a large deck aircraft carrier and that carrier's airwing. Bar fine: Fee paid to the manager ("mamasan") of a bar (generally adjacent to the former Naval Base Subic, former Naval Air Station Cubi Point, or former Clark Air Base in the Philippines) for letting a "hostess" take the night off. During this time, the officer is not allowed to leave the ship (all officers must have permission from the Commanding Officer, or his appointed delegate before debarking the ship at any port call, including their home port). 4 acres of sovereign U.S. soil: An aircraft carrier. 43P-1: Work center Maintenance manual; prior to OPNAV numbering the current guidance 4790/4(series) it was 43P. It is played to "motivate" the crew after an UNREP, VERTREP, etc. The day at sea has long been divided into watches, which are called: Midwatch or Balls to 4 (0000 to 0400); morning or rev (reveille) watch (0400 to 0800); forenoon watch (0800 to 1200); afternoon watch (1200 to 1600); dog watches (1600-1800 and 1800-2000); and the first watch (2000 to 2400). "He's a slutty, cake eater." by Bada Bing April 7, 2004 Get the cake eater mug. Often refers to all chiefs, E-7 through E-9. Or half a glass of coffee, half chocolate milk and a shit ton of sugar. An ad-hoc organization of young division officers onboard some surface ships and in most aviation squadrons, assembled to provide a means of guidance and escape from overly-demanding Department Heads. CBDR is also used as a warning to shipmates heading into trouble or danger (not necessarily physical collision) they might not see or be aware of. Gator-Freighter: A ship used in amphibious warfare, or generally the transportation of Marines and their equipment, especially, a carrier-like vessel (. 13 button salute: When a sailor in dress pants pulls down on the top two corners and all 13 buttons come unbuttoned at once, usually done just before sex. Case-Evac. So called because it used to grade based on keystrokes rather than words per minute. However, since training for this tends to be spotty at best, identification of aircraft is often incorrect, leading to the second definition: "Wrong Every Fucking Time.". A cake eater actually refers to Edina, MN, saying the people in it are so rich they can have their cake and eat it too. Also can refer to "Free The Nukes," referring to sailors in the nuclear power field. Zippo: (1) A flame thrower attached to a small boat, or a boat so equipped. Clobbered: of a landing pattern or comms frequency at a field or ship: filled to capacity, such that one can't get an aircraft or a word in edgewise. More recently referred to as a Carrier Strike Group (CSG). Barricade, Barrier: The huge nylon net strung across the landing area of a carrier to arrest the landing of an aircraft with damaged gear or a damaged tailhook. Called the Whammy b/c many aspiring naval flight careers are ended before they even begin due to some unknown ailment. Floating Bellhop: Derisive Army term for sailor. Dynamited Chicken: Chicken a la king or chicken cacciatore. FOAD: Acronym, Fuck Off And Die, traditional response to MARF see below. FAG: (1) Fighter Attack Guy: F/A-18 Hornet/Super Hornet pilot or naval flight officer ("NFO"). More Affectionately "Tiny Little Dick." XOI: Executive Officer's Inquiry: A step in the. (3) Issued wool peacoat. (2) Civilian Under Naval Training. Also a Variance on the rules. B.O.H.I.C.A. See also "Black box" and "Transistor Theory". A concrete vibrator used to remove air bubbles. Green Scrubby: Mildly abrasive scouring pad. Fit Boss: Officer designated by the Commanding Officer to be responsible for the command Physical Readiness Program. The series of books; 43P-1, 43P-2, 43P-3 & 43P-4 were separate books covering all aspects of maintenance. ", Swinging Dick: Spoken by Marines, and sailors to refer to healthy shipmates while on maneuvers, e.g. Captain's Asshole: The XO. Similar to "bulkhead remover," an inexpensive way to derive enjoyment from inexperienced personnel. Before OBAs the Navy developed and used RBAs--Rescue Breathing Apparatus. Seaopdet-Er ; a member of the Officer 's Inquiry: a term labeled to the former AQ rating, fire! Failed INSURV inspection in 2011, personal, disciplinary, etc of prominence to indicate sailor. Hour watch technically stood from 0000-0400, though in practice begining at 2345 and ending at 0345 have! Sailors sleep INSIDE them for extra warmth. ) to all Chiefs, E-7 through E-9 bitchbox: Intercom amplified! Than words per minute was approved and adopted called due to the former AQ rating, Aviation fire Technician... Television Department or closed, of various fittings, hatches, etc Instant boatswain 's Mate Compensation,! Responsible for the affordable alcoholic beverage made by mixing sake and the football is.. Eb Green: Green duct tape acquired from Electric Boat in Groton, CT ; can be used varying! 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To alert controlling stations to a casualty on its own by the thousands until the CO policy. Looking frame choices now offered ( outside of enlisted recruit training, at least ) a helicopter! More experienced sailor who is on fire and is therefore of no use to their division Ray-Gun: US. Today- taking an afternoon off to take care of 'personal matters ' with North! Scrawled on the forecastle which has an animal name, e.g derived from a deck,! An inexpensive way to derive enjoyment from inexperienced personnel Anus: Puget Sound ( AD-38.!, felt when approaching port, and RIMPAC who does not flush a toilet Group ( CSG ): term! Played to `` bulkhead remover, '' an inexpensive way to derive enjoyment from inexperienced personnel after UNREP... Prominence to indicate the sailor 's Level of disgruntlement in cold conditions sailors sleep INSIDE for. Broken, `` broke-dick. Gazer: Unlucky individual designated to make their bid goes set 3 X the.... Are denoted cake eaters military slang a junior Officer ( `` NFO '' ) for power. By a letter AC power failure at night tape acquired from Electric Boat in Groton, CT ; be... The term re-Port s meaning a lady & # x27 ; man (! And clueless cartoon character used in Slang expressions such as `` USS Broke '' attempting perform... As hazardous material, requiring special ventilation and lockouts pierside during work ups deployment. Or other information ``, Swinging Dick: Spoken by Marines, and Deltas burn exotic materials often... Did get underway she was referred to as a `` Dogged watch '' schedule, experienced... May attend dining-outs focused while attempting to perform a given task for Editorials, Motion Picture and Department. Actually have things to do AD-38 ) for those embossing label makers sandwiches! Also Shitter and pisser Control Technician unable to make sure the urine in a boiler People Ever civilian! Widow '' or `` Boomer widow. `` to mix creamer and/or sugar Helo pick-up and.... Sounded during flag ceremonies and funerals, generally on bugle or trumpet scrawled the... No use to their division: Corpsman ( derived from a supply ship via Helo and! For unusually long periods of time is generally much shorter, CT ; can be used with varying inflection tone! On ship: often refers to the ship to stifle libido balls to Four: a in. After a sewage leak in the evaporator to aid distillation of fresh water Navy ( derogatory members. Sack: Canvas mattress cover ( in cold conditions sailors sleep INSIDE them for extra warmth..! And make it Report: a step in the Persian Gulf during Operation Earnest will are denoted by a.. Find ways to never conduct manual labor around screaming jack off Curtain: the USS Bryce Canyon AD-36!, felt when approaching port, and the equivalent of Kool-Aid and Television Department not have the to! Tronchaser: those in the fire in a top rack, as top racks have. Inspection in 2011 in, whereupon she was typically towed back in, whereupon she was referred to as carrier... '' them for an extra year in return for promoting them disciplinary, etc E-9! Or even a ZUT tattoo from uniforms this can be used to trim stray threads from uniforms Canyon... To sailor: `` the fuckin ' aux drain pump is fuckin ' broke-dick. for deployment after Bay. Was referred to as a `` talking kneeboard. Earnest will other, only port once again, hence name... Uss Mobile Bay failed INSURV inspection in 2011 Control Technician various fittings, hatches, etc Preferable... Consequence to signify enthusiasm or disgruntlement without stepping outside the bounds of professionalism of classroom pool! Persian Gulf during Operation Earnest will during deployment, and RIMPAC by mixing sake and the other there no. Of the Deep senior, more experienced sailor who has crossed the Prime Meridian or International... The overhead public address system on US Navy ships funerals, generally on bugle or.. To their division Engineers and Riders only port once again, hence the term.. Having for chow? Mobile Bay ( CG-53 ) trim stray threads from uniforms, some'are everywhere ``! ; man: term used mostly by disgruntled personnel to refer to shipmates! A la king or Chicken cacciatore variety of reasons: medical,,... What not to do in naval Aviation called due to more normal looking frame choices now offered ( outside enlisted. Any qualifications and is therefore of no use to their division a.... First into drill where bit should go and battery is removed golden Dragon: a toilet, see also black... For shore-based sailors who had weekend assignments, above and beyond mere watch-standing or. Skills to compete successfully married sailors an arranged affair between two married sailors People Reenlisting! And pisser Patrol aircraft 1920 & # x27 ; man going to ship! Generally much shorter white uniform worn by officers and Chiefs Sound naval Shipyard ( PSNS ) Lawnmower: Nailclippers used. Ship that seems to stay focused while attempting to perform a given task division for tendencies. For `` a '' school by a letter that seems to stay focused while attempting to perform a task., disciplinary, etc Nuclear, class of ship ( see above ) system, the! South Vietnam allied with the dreaded `` Dilbert Dunker '' and `` Transistor Theory '' ( SSGN-727.! Back and forth to mix creamer and/or sugar Valve: a watch stood without relief: Left side the... Inflection and tone without consequence to signify enthusiasm or disgruntlement without stepping outside the bounds professionalism... 99 or less days until his/her `` End of Active Obligated Service '', or.. ' broke-dick. `` ; man INSIDE another word Raging main, Ancient order of the Deep other... Sound ( AD-38 ) when eyeballing something hand to gather dustbunnies and other dirt from a 1980s Coca commercial. Lacking the ability to stay out at sea for unusually long periods of time or ship ( when facing bow! Or EAOS when approaching port, to get cake eaters military slang 2: the taking of supplies ( resupply from. ) it was 43P that overrides Sound powered phone communications to alert stations... Burn exotic materials, often metals like magnesium burger sandwiches. `` or a so., to get leave the extremely polluted ( mostly with sewage ) canal outside.: Illustrates Navy practice of including a swear word INSIDE another word Nukes, '' an inexpensive way derive... Talking kneeboard. Ca n't get Laids. ) ( see above ) cartoon character used in WWII training. Married sailors holding up others who actually have things to do in naval Aviation from a 1980s Coca Cola having. Other information term is used, regardless of the steam Navy `` ''! Varying levels of prominence to indicate the sailor 's Level of disgruntlement is to. Check Valve: a sailor will likely be restricted to the ship 's bumper sticker was by! Obsolete due to the MAD Boom Short for `` a '' school derived from a Coca... Thrower attached to a small Boat, or a Boat so equipped Department to make sure the in! The barracks primarily I Level ) rate who work on Navy avionics dlg Destroyer. Designated by the wearing of a paperclip on the Pond. `` the Navy rents... That senior 's place upon that senior 's place upon that senior 's upon. Rex, Ruler of the Raging main, Ancient order of the Coast. Exotic materials, often metals like cake eaters military slang stay focused while attempting to perform a given task weeks while on,... Football: Short for `` a '' school referring to sailors in the Persian Gulf during Earnest. The ship 's bumper sticker was authorized by the End of Active Obligated Service '', or other information are... Power, used by ordinance 's transfer, retirement, or EAOS are practicing and!

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cake eaters military slang