hillcrest medical center leadership

His previous experience also includes serving as Operations Coordinator for Vetter Health Services in Omaha as well as Administrator of nursing facilities in Bridgeport, Nebraska and Winner, South Dakota. 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Learn more about the executive leadership at Cleveland Clinic. As a fourth generation Omaha native, Spencer has a love for the metro area and all that it has to offer. Ms. Stoakes volunteers with Matts Dream Foundation and the Nebraska and Millard South DECA. Executive Team & Administrators - Hillcrest Health Services | Senior Care [email protected] News & Events Press Room Family of Services Resources Careers Volunteers About Us Contact Us Ask Us A Question Read More We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. ","fieldNumberNumMinError":"Number Min Error","fieldNumberNumMaxError":"Number Max Error","fieldNumberIncrementBy":"Please increment by ","formErrorsCorrectErrors":"Please correct errors before submitting this form. At Hillcrest Health Services, our amazing team ensures the best in innovative senior health services throughout our senior living communities and health care centers. AsVice President of Home and Community Services, Reggie Rippleleads the operations of Hillcrests hospice and home health services, including skilled nursing, in-home personal care, telehealth, and palliative care. in August 2014 to join the Hillcrest family. <# if ( data.showNext ) { #> She lives in Millard but can often be found kayaking on one of our local lakes or riding the highways of Nebraska and Southwest Iowa, where she was born and raised. {{{ data.renderProgressBar() }}} Mr. Ripple has served as a dynamic and effective leader in the home health industry since 1997, where he began his career as an occupational therapist for St. John Health System in Tulsa, Okla. Learn More About Nursing. With a background in skilled nursing administration, he came to us from a regional director of operations role supporting six skilled nursing facilities and three assisted living facilities. Knowing the immense value of a healthcare continuum and understanding the mission and values of Hillcrest Health Services, it was an easy decision to make. A resident of Papillion, Mr. Janicki is a Board Member of the Alzheimers Association of the Midlands and the Hillcrest Foundation for Enhancing Lives, as well as Board Vice Chair for the Sarpy County Economic Development Corporation, which leads economic development for Nebraskas fastest-growing county. . He was promoted to the Director of Therapy Services in late 2007 and then Administrator of Home Care in 2011 prior to his move to the Executive Team as a Vice President in 2016. She also spends her time reading and crafting. 59% of survey respondents approved of the leadership response to COVID-19. Appointment Type: Career. Dave Crealjoined Hillcrest in 2016 as a Regional Administrator. {{{ data.title }}} Hillcrest Medical Center: Healthcare Documentation and Medical Transcription - Patricia Ireland 2017-01-27 This innovative text uses a simulation approach to give readers interested in healthcare documentation and medical transcription careers a working knowledge of medical reports common in both acute and chronic care settings. Jan 2023 - Present2 months. Lauren hails from Scottsdale, Arizona and is a die-hard Creighton Bluejay fan. Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States. Hillcrest Hospital provides a full spectrum of specialties and programs to meet your medical needs. Jim JanickiisVice President of Marketing and Communicationsfor Hillcrest Health Services. Mayfield Heights, OH. Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data . Chief Operating Officer. His family includes his wife and four children. ","recaptchaMissingCookie":"reCaptcha v3 validation couldn't load the cookie needed to submit the form. Oklahoma Heart Institute *beds are considered part of Hillcrest Medical Center. Thomas is also a healthcare pioneer in the realm of innovation and business development, especially bringing awareness to the value of caregiving and non-medical services to a much broader clinical and acute market. Detroit, MI 48219. She has served as a leader for organizations including a small owner-operated venture as well as an Executive Senior Leader in two of the largest publicly-traded senior living companies in the US. Our mission at Hillcrest Medical Center (HMC) establishes us as a premier provider of health care services in our community. Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location? Meet Hillcrest Medical Center's New CEO, Xavier Villarreal From Volunteer to CEO Xavier Villarreal's interest in health care began during a summer break in college when he had the opportunity to volunteer at a hospital. . 'active' : '' }}} {{{ ( part.errors ) ? Mr. Ripple, his wife Tina and three children relocated from Oklahoma to Papillion, Neb. Chief Medical Officer, Chief Digital Officer. Two days later, Hillcrest Medical Center was in full incident command mode and Jodi has been working in the Incident Command Center every day for nine weeks and counting. Thomas McCulley joined the Hillcrest team in 2018 and is now the Administrator of Hillcrest Caring Companions. These cookies do not store any personal information. He has been a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator for over three years and spent over 11 years in acute care healthcare operations. height:32px; View a complete list of the executive leadership members and more. Anthony Hatcher, DO, is a board certified family physician and the Chief Medical Officer at Hillcrest Health Services. Three takeaways: 1. As a member of the leadership . He is passionate about providing quality care to aging adults. {{{ data.renderNextPrevious() }}} Brendan Kremer. Under his leadership, Medstar has grown from an average of 74 responses each day with 80 full-time employees to a 2020 daily forecast of 480 patients and 600 team members in nine Michigan counties. A veteran of the U.S. Army, Sharyl has experience in the senior living and geriatric post-acute space for over 25 years. in Gerontology. HealthStream Excellence through Insight Award - Most Improved Outpatient Satisfaction (large hospital category), 2016; Oklahoma Hospital Association Perinatal Quality Improvement Collaborative Award, 2015 Tammy received her Bachelors degree from Bellevue University in 2000.

Leadership; Board of Directors; Diversity and Inclusion Council; Investments; Joint Venture Partnerships; Hospitals & Health Systems .

She is a licensed physical therapist, and has practiced in the acute care, outpatient and home care settings. Spencers passion for senior care was developed more deeply when he became the administrator at the very facility where his great grandmother lived. Jessica is passionate about seniors and helping them to live their life to the fullest with the highest standard of quality and customer service. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. He also served on the Alegent Health Board of Directors and as the Chief Administrative Officer of Alegent Health Clinic. They enjoy watching Husker football & volleyball, hiking and traveling. He received a Bachelor of Science from Truman State University, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri, and a Masters degree in Executive Leadership from the University of Nebraska Lincoln. font-size:14px; Below is a list of our executive team and administrators who help make it all possible: Sharyl Ronanis theChief Executive Officerof Hillcrest, joining the organization in 2018. He was selected as one of the Midlands Business Journals 40 Under 40 in 2016. Some of our recent awards and accomplishments include, Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. He went on to receive a Bachelors in Business Management and a Bachelors in Marketing from Evangel University in Springfield, Missouri. She has been a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator for 18 years and came to us from the Eastern Nebraska Veterans Home. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Dr. Hatcher completed his Family Medicine residency at Creighton University and served in the United States Air Force as a Flight Surgeon stationed at Offutt AFB. His hobbies include traveling with his wife and three children, hunting and sport shooting with his son and riding dirt bikes with his brothers. He is responsible for the operations and performance of Hillcrest Mable Rose, Hillcrest Shadow Lake and Hillcrest Firethorn, which is currently under development in Lincoln. Her strong background in post-acute and long-term care brought her closer to her Midwest roots to serve as the CEO of Hillcrest Health Services in Bellevue, NE. Specialties: 20+ Locations: 55+ Physicians: 172 . AHS Hillcrest Medical Center, LLC. MidWest Health Services - CLOSED. Previously, Mr. Mulhearn was Director of Finance for Riverside Health Systems Lifelong Health Division in Newport News, Va., where he oversaw financial operations for multiple lines of business and was instrumental in developing financial pro-formas for key growth programs. She has worked with the senior population for more than 15 years. {{{ data.renderBreadcrumbs() }}} . She has worked a number of years in the post-acute setting and is passionate about the care that we provide. The best leadership advice Jodi offers is to have senior leadership visit every unit, every shift, seven days a week.

","confirmFieldErrorMsg":"These fields must match! Mr. Creal received a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from Black Hills State University. Early in his career, Mr. Creal was the Administrator of Philip Health Services in Philip, South Dakota, where he provided oversight to a hospital, nursing facility and two clinics. Christopher Kane. {{{ ( part.errors ) ? '' Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Mr. Villarreal most recently served as CEO at . One year later, Dellea was named President and Chief Operating Officer of . This position provides supervision and leadership for the day-to-day operations . He is a BA graduate of SUNY Geneseo, near Rochester, NY, and he is an accredited public relations professional (APR) through PRSA. more. We are proud to serve aging adults in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa, continually going above and beyond the expectations of our residents and their families. 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hillcrest medical center leadership