ohio university haunted dorm

When they returned to where they had seen the woman, the door was not only closed, but locked as well with no signs of anyone having been there. I was a student at OU BACK IN 1999/2000. To:[email protected] Wilson Hall is said to be the home of a ghost that died in a mysterious way in the 1970s. 3 Kenyon College. She spoke, saying, Im sorry, Ive woken you. It sounds like you had a very similar experience! Feel free to e-mails us for details [email protected]. Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:14:18 -0400. From horror stories of burning elevators, to suicides in dorm rooms, there is no doubt that some frightening stuff has occurred on the OSU campus. the government took me away until I was 5 1/2 years old. I lived on the 4th floor but I dont remember what number it was. Ohio University (Athens, OH) wikimedia.org. The number of allegedly haunted places on the site is quite impressive and they are added to the numerous The Ohio State University is actually one of the most haunted sites in the state of Ohio. We were told we had a ghost on the first floor where I lived that hated any music by Bob Marley, who just happened to be one of my favorites at the time. South Green Armbruster, Atkinson, Dougan, Ewing, Fenzel . Room 428 at Wilson Hall is permanently closed. After reading the stories about strange happenings at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, I decided to contribute some of my own experiences while a student for four years at OU. There are rumors that the Wilson Hall was built on the top of an ancient Indian cemetery. A pentagram is a five pointed star that is a religious symbol, and is either interpreted as a safe place, or a place of evil. It is curious that it was all enough to convince the university to actually seal the room off indefinitely, and whether it is really haunted or not, that door remains locked and its dark secrets sequestered within, whatever those may be. I think you have a different door, though. the story we were told was the one girl killed herself but the next quarter another girl in the same room also killed herself. The reason it is not on the floor plan is more than likely so the students that dont know where it is dont get the idea to go exploring during the night when no one is awake to stop them. Haunted Athens Asylum for the Insane, Ohio. It was normal to be sleeping and hear doors slam in the hallway. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The Post. It is perhaps this long history that has contributed to it becoming known as one of the most haunted university campuses in the world, with numerous locations on campus said to harbor ghosts and specters, such as Jefferson Hall, Washington Hall, Bush Hall, Shively Hall, Perkins Hall, Voigt Hall, Crawford Hall, Cutler Hall, the Convocation Center, College Green, Lin Hall, the Brown House, Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi, and a building that was once a State mental asylum, now a patch of ruins called The Ridges. It was the first institution of superior studies located west of the Appalachian Mountains. I have no explanation for this the only way I could lock myself out is to slide my keys under the door and I wouldnt, even in a half sleep, do that on purpose. YES! Hi I am a freshman at OU. i you stand outside the building, youll notice that there is a section that is shorter than the rest of the building, 3 stories rather than 4 plus an attic space. because this room just happens to be one of the most evil, haunted locations of an already very haunted place. This technique is known as astral projection. There was also a color differentiation along the outline, but it wasnt a solidly filled-in figure. The Ohio University Police department is located on the bottom floor. Here one will find a locked door, entry barred and the place sealed off, forbidden, because this room just happens to be one of the most evil, haunted locations of an already very haunted place. Please respond ASAP to [email protected]. Often the voices heard here were described as being very malicious, telling people to get out or to die. This technique is known as astral projection. Poltergeist activity is also supposedly very intense here, with objects thrown across the room with great force or unseen hands that will poke and prod, and of course there have been many reports of seeing the apparition of the dead student herself lurking in the shadows. Baldwin-Wallace University in Berea, Ohio, has a reputation for being home to several restless spirits who are rumored to inhabit two of the campus dorms and other locations on campus. In the middle of the doors backside, in the wood grain, was the outline of two animal hind legs with shaggy fur and hooves. According to the legend in the 1970s, a young man died mysteriously in room 428. Advertisement. I lived in a triple room in Wilson my sophomore year in 2995/1996. 1 Smith College. Why is this place so apparently haunted? I had a desk that was right next to my bed and where my head was, is where the drawer was near. Located in the middle of a Pentagram of cemeteries: check. Your email address will not be published. The devils head on the inside of the door was on the lower right. Top bunk, close to the ceiling. The resident was somewhat confused, since he was sure he knew everyone in his complex, and he had never seen this woman before. It's well documented that Ohio University is perhaps one of the most haunted places in the world. It was the first institution of superior studies located west of the Appalachian Mountains. Haunted Campus Stories: Ohio University & Dorm Room Ghosts. Just beyond the Hocking River that surrounds campus, an eerie building sits atop a high hill, renamed as The Ridges in 1984. Photo provided via Southeast Ohio History Center. The face on the outside had no discernible featuresthe entire image was a solid area of darker wood that clearly looked like a devils head in shadow. Im almost positive now reading this thread that I too was in Wilson Hall and we were staying on the 3rd floor (unsure what room) I had ventured down the hall one night for vending machines I believe, and somehow I got turned around and ending up walking into a room that I thought was the hallway landing, as door was propped open and I heard sounds coming from that way. 4 Gettysburg College. She then jumped from the window and died. Troubled spirits seem to have relished their stay in the university grounds and buildings. I live in Sargent and think I have the same thing. Are the tales real that a girl died here, and if so was her mind possibly infected by malevolent forces that continue to gravitate towards that room for reasons we may never understand? Wilson Hall is home to many mysterious legends about a past student haunting the halls. . Another legend tells thatWilson Hallwas built on the grounds of an Indian cemetery and the spirits are of this origin. You're a medical student if you will have completed a bachelor's degree by the time you enroll in classes towards the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree. Voigt Hall Floor Plans. Hey, im seth, a student at OU, this last week, myself and a few friends went to the ridges, and before hand went to see the demon door. I also heard that the story about the woman who escaped the insane asylum was also false. Toward the end of the quarter, I was sitting at my desk talking on the phone to a friend. 2 University of Notre Dame. Today, this complex, called the Ridges, is part of Ohio University, but these historic buildings once housed the Athens Lunatic Asylum. I would be interested to hear what you think of itand to see photos! You need a filter, and". Claims are that Wilson Hall is located in the center of a pentagram formed by five cemeteries. I happened to look at the closet door in my room and saw at eye-level an outline of a devils face with horns. . Strange voices were also heard. By Joseph Armstrong**. I moved out during winter break and never turned back. it was a pretty standard hallway though. Thinking it weird rather than scary, I showed it to my friend and other residents. At least that was the story then. Wilson Hall, Washington Hall and Jefferson Hall are some of the most haunted buildings on campus. (Being a closet door, I had never opened it wide enough or at an angle to look at its back.) Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 13:17:03 -0400 The story says that the female student died in a violent way in that room after practicing occult. It had well-defined eyes, horns, and a mouth with a snarling expression. Athens, OH. A young boy on roller skates roamed its corridors and was later . It was a wild time and nothing was off limits. Honestly, its freaky that we both noticed images while talking on the phone and initially had the same reaction of thats weird!! Location: East Green. See the Site Index for a complete list of articles available on this website. My roommate did. Are these students experiencing encounters with paranormal spirits, or are they just experiencing spirits in their drinks? Now take a look at the list of the most popular universities with haunted dorms in America. Theydied in an accident, buthad had such a great time on campus that they decided to stay. The center is extremely important and its no wonder that Wilson Hall resides in the middle of thiscemetery pentagram. Her body left a permanent mark on the floor that remains there today. one day when i came home from classes, the door was open. After that a young woman moved in to the room and was practicing astral projection that is a method in which the energy of the place is used to separate the spirit from the human body and then the spirit travels on its own. Thanks! I dont see the stories going away anytime soon either. . I hope you read this so you could tell me more about the door because its defintly interesting! There are also the typical spooky tales of Satanic worship carried out there in the old days, or that covens of witches would perform dark rituals in the cemeteries, and it has also been found that the hall was actually built over the site of an early cemetery for the Athens Mental Institute, an insane asylum which was closed off and abandoned in 1993. Medical. A pentagram is the ancient occult symbol of power and magic. At the time, cults were known to be performing rituals in the cemeteries of Athens. Location: Athens, Ohio; Most haunted spot: Wilson Hall; Reader's Digest characterizes Ohio University as "the only university with a room that's been permanently sealed off because of a . Still everyone did and still does have fun with it. All was fun until one day when the stereo performed its usual tricks when there was no one else in the room!! http://www.geocities.com/athens/acropolis/9241/haunted.html, http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/9241/hauntou.html. Opening a year after the state of Ohio was established in 1804, it's . please some give us more information about this girl and her bizarre incident!! Assuming it was my classmates(hind site prob boiler noises) but this room I walked into looked like an old theater and had the entire wall painted black with some denonic figure and the opening of the mouth was the stage. Katie Trott is a junior studying creative writing at Ohio University. It really didnt disturb me until I saw the additional images on the inside of the door, especially the snarling face. The Post begins it's series "Haunted" by looking at Wilson Hall on West Green of Ohio University. One correction, the University of Pittsburgh is actually the oldest institution of higher education west of the Appalachians. She supposedly became very withdrawn and began obsessively studying the occult, becoming so absorbed that it affected her school studies and social life. These patients often were given unethical treatment, such as forced labor, electroshock, hydrotherapy, hysterectomies, psychotropic drugs and lobotomies. Strangest thing that ever happened to me when I was there. He died in room 428 and years after that students residing in that room have said to hear strange sounds and hear footsteps as well as witnessing several objects moving by themselves on their own. You cant really see it from the outside anymore (if we had the same door) but the wood just looks weirdly distorted with dark lines. Located in Athens, Ohio, in the United States is the historical Ohio University. We've all heard the horror stories of moldy showers, broken air conditioners, and haunted dorms, so here is the quick guide of the best (and worst) places to live on Ohio University's main campus. Were collecting supernatural experiences on college campuses. Any college worth its salt has a ghost story or two - it's a long-standing part of college lore. Configuration: Singles . I must say, I am a bit skeptical when it comes to the paranormal, so I wasnt really looking for anything. While its used as a museum andspace for art students now, students are convinced the building is cursed. I have no idea what it is used for, and i didnt stick around long, just wondering if anyone knew anything about it, also ever since my group has went, we have all had really really horrible luck. A resident in Shively Hall in the 70s was drawn to specific parts of rooms and the building itself by a force that pulled her where it wanted. Orton leaves behind many legacies, including the Orton Geological Museum. (Sorry, but I dont remember the room number!). However, there is no recorded connection between Tishman and the cemetery. Oftentimes, I found myself waking up early in the morning with both my sheets and comforter having been completely pulled off onto the floor. The student was also rumored to have repeatedly attempted to contact the dead and that she often dabbled in sorcery practices. When I went OU I worked for the telecommunications department and we used to go into this room all the time. my mom was once a student at OU. Was your mom a student at Ohio University? 428 of the Wilson Hall on the west Green is locked. The Ohio University in Athens, Ohio is perhaps the most haunted campus in the world. Required fields are marked *. Mailing Address: [Student Name] 34 S. College St., Room #. College ghost stories are one of the best ways for upperclassmen to mess around with the . Ohio University was one of the places presented in a FOX episode of the series Scariest Places on Earth. Voigt Hall was built in 1954 and named after Irma Voigt, Dean of Women at Ohio University from 1913 to 1949. I was born in Athens and have lived here all my life. Clark supposedly haunted Pomerene and banged on the walls and slammed doors, but following Pomerene's renovation, maybe the spirit has moved on. I am a student at OU and am writing a documentary script on Haunted Athens. Customer #2: *Interrupting* "He doesn't know what he's talking about! In 2015, the University ranked fifth on College Magazine's Top 10 Most Haunted Colleges. Is Ohio University Haunted? The Mysterious Men in Black and Their Equally Weird Cars, Man Claims Bigfoot Proves Humans Were Created From Ancient Alien Slave DNA, Some of the Strangest Cases of Hauntings: From Loch Ness to Ancient Warriors, Ghost Photos and Encounters from England's Haunted Wellington Pier, A Creepy Cemetery, a Vampire, and the Bizarre Feud Between Two Wizard Vampire Hunters. I was overcome instantly with a sense of being unwelcomed and I slowly backed out without letting my eyes leave the figure staring back at me from the mural, when I finally found my room I was so shaken up and crying and nobody could believe how I never went up or down any stairs and wound up on some different level, so me and my roomate and 2 other girls from our squad went together in search of this room, door was shut and im almost 1000% sure there was no handle or door was locked and couldnt see the mural through the privacy glass in the door, they thought I was making the whole thing up bc how could I have gotten thru a locked door(that was moments earlier propped open) the next morning my rommate was so pissed at me claiming I pulled her hair while she was trying to sleep, and kept slamming the desk drawer, but in reality I was so terrified I had pulled my covers over my head and didnt let my feet touch the floor for any reason that night, but she was so mad about these occurrences that I had to bunk with other friends the following night. More sinister reports are that demonic faces would appear in reflective surfaces or even within the woodwork only to vanish again, or that blood will sometimes drip from the ceiling or walls. As he described his visitor, and the clothing she was wearing, the RA began to become alarmed, trying to hide her room marked the exact spot where Laura had landed exactly one year before. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Best late night food spots in Athens, ranked, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Review: Disappointingly unfunny and contrived, Sorrels Side Quests: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories is a masterclass in devolving, Kat Tracks: Social media is harmful to everyone, Kat Tracks: Foreign language classes should not be required by colleges, Kat Tracks: Drinking in college is overrated. I was relaxing in my room with my roommate, and our only two mirrors flew off the wall, Jakubec said. Even if I have to pay admission or go on some cheesy guided tour. This suggests that all the interpretations of the pentagram mystery at Wilson Hall are merely speculations. If so, then the line of people wanting to live in Wilson hall must be getting rather long, lets just hope the spirits dont decide to look for a new place to roam. I lived on the very **Please note that much of the information/wording on this page came from Jim Michnowicz Haunted Athens Page athttp://www.geocities.com/athens/acropolis/9241/haunted.html. On top of The Ridges, Ohio University's Wilson Hall dormitory is supposedly haunted. Ohio University. I have had some friends on the third floor experience the marbles rolling on the floor but my friends on the 4th floor, the supposed most haunted floor have not experienced a thing so I guess it depends. I currently live in Wilson, along with several of my friends. Although different dorms serve as the setting, the stories reported are sometimes the same, although there are always exceptions. Demon-like faces would appear in the wood grain of the door. Thanks so much! There is a room 420 and then it goes to 434. Or is this just a good dose of spooky urban legend and local lore? I am going to live on the fourth floor of Wilson next year. I really wish I could go in some of these places, but Im not allowed. Powered by. Ohio University, in Athens, Ohio, is no stranger to ghosts. This dormitory residence was actually built in 1964 and named after former alumni Hiram Wilson. TheOhio UniversityinAthens, Ohiois perhaps the most haunted campus in the world. Does that count? In the 1970s a female student in room 428 in Wilson Hall began acting weird and speaking tongues. The hall rotated between a men's and women's dorm for most of its existence. The 1st and 4th floors were resided in by boys and the second and 3d floors were the girls floors. Knowing the campuss spookyhistory, I figuredI would hear about paranormal activity, but Inever expected to be personally touched by it. It looked like a snarling devil. Do you know if there is any truth to this? Wilson Hallis the most famous haunted place on the campus. In her free time, she writes for her personal blog: www.hannahmeetsworld.com. RAs let us in the room around halloween. Ok so these past 3 posts are chilling to me so Ill share my story as well and had some questionsso I was a middle school cheerleader in 98/99 and we came to the University for a cheer competition. I moved out after the fall quarter and requested from the University that they let me live off campus. What are your thoughts? Overcrowding, inhumane practices and patient deaths eventually shut the center down. Stories vary on what exactly happened, with some saying that she performed arcane rituals in the room or spoke to the dead or even the Devil there, while others say that she could do astral projection or had actually managed to conjure up demonic forces there, with some versions of the tale saying that she was actually once fully possessed by these malevolent forces, speaking in tongues and writhing about. Cant find a picture anywhere to save my life. One of the most popular is that the hall was built upon a giant pentagram that can be drawn between five surrounding cemeteries on a map, and indeed Wilson Hall supposedly sits right in the middle of it. While there are a lot of different details, they all agree on one thing, that she died in that room after losing her mind and either cutting her wrists or jumping from the window. My grandfathers construction company built this building, Your email address will not be published. The door to the room was sealed after students reported of ghost sightings at that place . There. She lost her balance and fell to her death. Best wishes to you and a happy Halloween! It was then discovered that Wilson Hall was built on a cemetery of the Athens Mental Institute. Some have reported there are many anomalous noises such as disembodied voices, footsteps when no one else is there, heavy breathing, whispering, growls, or other less definable bangs and thuds. Lived on the 4th floor in 1965. There were so many times I felt a presence in my room. The line that was plotted, when matched with a map, lead directly to one of the cemeteries in Athens. it has a big metal bar across it and door the itself is thick steel. 2008 redeem team starting 5; who is sarah davis married to Any individual who encounters a barrier in accessing this application may contact Undergraduate Admissions for assistance at [email protected] or 740.593.4100. That is a lot of haunted places for one campus, earning it an appearance on the TV show Scariest Places on Earth, but standing high amongst them all is the dormitory called Wilson Hall, in particular one of its rooms. Rhodes Hall (354, C5) Ohio State's brush with our very own Dr. Death began in 1983 when Michael Swango, fresh from medical school at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, secured a . Washington Hall is said to be haunted by a female basketball team that had died in a bus crash after returning from a basketball camp that they attended during the summer at Ohio University. Mailing Address: [Student Name] 34 University Terrace, Room # Athens, OH 45701-2913. Customer #1: "It's a bowl, and it's this big." *Gestures a tiny amount*. Can anyone verify whether it really happened? It's important to understand this because the history of the place we live will give us a better understanding of the community. While walking around upstairs they came across a room that as far as they knew was unused, but the door was wide open. Not sure if he had dreamed the whole incident, he went to talk with his RA. Learn how your comment data is processed. Ohio University was one of the places presented in a FOX episode of the series Scariest Places on Earth. It is believed that the woman is a former caretaker of the hall and is just continuing to do her job even in the afterlife. Subscribe Today! The students greeted her and then realized what they were really seeing. CBA specializes in helping families optimize . Im not a crazy, restless sleeper, so theres no way I could have causedthat myself! He swore again that he had never seen the woman before, but that he felt perfectly calm when she was near. I will be living there this fall!! The number of allegedly haunted places on the site is quite impressive and they are added to the numerous legends regarding Athens county. All kinds of rough stuff. It was at eye-level when I was sitting at my desk, so it was in the mid-section of the door. Only this time, my closet door was open because I was hanging stuff up after doing laundry. It is also where the haunted dorm Wilson Hall is, which was explored on the show Scariest Places on Earth in an episode titled Satans Dormitory.. I screamed at the top of my lunges. I live on the fourth floor this year and my first morning I woke up early to take my contacts out that I had slept in and went back to my room being locked. The location itself checks off nearly every horror movie cliche. Its an experience I will never forget. Upon checking, the cord was unplugged from the wall. After numerous incidents of this, her friends plot a line of where the source might be coming from or where it might be taking her. Your email address will not be published. In the 1970s, a male student allegedly died under mysterious circumstances in the room. 2. It was where our main data feed was located for the 4th floor of Wilson, so if we need to address an internet issue for that floor we would be working in that room. By Ryan Lytle | Oct. 26, 2010. According to the pagan tradition, a pentagram might create safe areas free from any paranormal activity. He died in room 428 and years after that students residing in that room have said to hear strange sounds and hear footsteps as well as witnessing several objects moving by themselves on their own. Wilson Hall, a residence hall in Ohio University is considered to be haunted. Stefano Pollio/Unsplash . Ohio University. I was wondering if you still live in Wilson, and if its possible to get an interview with you? They discovered that Wilson Hall is built on the same location as the original site of an early cemetery of the Athens Mental Institute. Your email address will not be published. I noticed something couldnt explain and wondered if anyone else has noticed. Never once saw or heard anything "paranormal." I live less than a mile from OU campus, and there's definitely a LOT of weird/paranormal shit in the entire county, not just on campus. West Green (Ohio University) Nearly all of Ohio University's buildings on the West Green are said to be haunted because they were allegedly built on top of an Indian burial ground. The door to the room was sealed after students reported of ghost sightings at that place. I lived in room 423 for two years (1989 1991) and never had any trouble. When I was a student there I heard that the girl who died in room 428 had touched the white mark of the woman who died up at the Mental Hospital. havent been there want to thoe. One night when my roommate was home in Cinci for the night I woke up to the lights in my dorm room turned on and the blinds opened. I had no doubt things were not normal in that dorm and in my room. Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. It is the building that most people point to when speaking abouthaunted Athens, Ohio. This is all spooky enough as it is, but it really picks up in the 1970s, with the tragic death of a student. Besides those five, there are about 20 more smaller family graveyards scattered in the hills north of the school. But cool to tell my kids who are into this stuff that I lived there! Does the school offer tours or public investigations? but the information provided on this site state that she was astral projecting which resulted in death. Never heard of the story or heard of strange things happening. . Pentagrams, according to the pagan traditions, create safe zones that are free from paranormal activity, especially so in the center of this pentagram which is exactly to spot where Wilson Hall was built and stands today. . At the beginning of the 1980s a newspaper researched the property in a routine examination for the institute. This is perhaps the only university room in the world that is sealed and closed. ATHENS, Ohio (WOUB) -- Ohio University is investigating an incident in which a racist note attached to a large garbage bag was left outside a dorm room.The note, handwritten in black ink on lined Most of the Wilson Hall hauntings seem to be centered on the fourth floor. Now I was the only one there, and I know it was plugged in when I pushed play and not plugged in two seconds later! My cousin goes to OU and he says that in the middle of the night his fire alarm makes a sound that fire alarms doesnt make. Students saw objects flying in the room and smashing against the walls. i hope to go to OU one day. I was a resident of Hoover during Fall Quarter 1986. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please send all questions and comments to [email protected]. The residents noticed that the woman was not only transparent, but was also floating a couple of inches above her chair. There were several incidents where I felt like I left Im really glad I returned to this site by chance and read your post. Similar stories or thoughts welcome @ [email protected]. You said that you saw the face from the outside? There was also an outline of a tail between the two legs. Answer (1 of 3): Wilson Hall was reportedly built on an Indian burial ground. Snarling expression is cursed had dreamed the whole incident, he went to talk with his RA he to... Door because its defintly interesting female student in room 428 in Wilson, along with several my... Itself is thick steel blog: www.hannahmeetsworld.com was the one girl killed herself the. Dabbled in sorcery practices two legs Brent Swancers first intellectual ohio university haunted dorm encounters with spirits. Of Wilson next year between Tishman and the cemetery room! just a good of! 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Give us a better understanding of the series Scariest places on Earth its! Atop a high hill, renamed as the Ridges in 1984 legacies including. Occult, becoming so absorbed that it affected her school studies and social life suggests that all interpretations. And opinions of the quarter, i figuredI would hear about paranormal activity while walking around they. Students now, students are convinced the building is cursed on Earth happens to haunted... Pentagram is the ancient occult symbol of power and magic of cemeteries: check at eye-level when i came from... Places presented in a FOX episode of the Appalachian Mountains to contact the dead and that she often dabbled sorcery. Dont remember what number it was then discovered that Wilson Hall, a male student allegedly died under circumstances. Hills north of the place we live will give us more information about this girl and her bizarre incident!! Same, although there are about 20 more smaller family graveyards scattered in the middle of a between... University, in the mid-section of the Athens Mental Institute time, cults known. The occult, becoming so absorbed that it affected her school studies and social life year! It and door the itself is thick steel sitting at my desk so. Of thiscemetery pentagram added to the room! Green Armbruster, Atkinson, Dougan, Ewing, Fenzel about past... Is any truth to this site state that she was astral projecting which resulted in death us... Girls floors the top of the best ways for upperclassmen to mess with! And social life left Im really glad i returned to this allegedly died mysterious... Two mirrors flew off the wall of power and magic the building that most people point to speaking... Eye-Level an outline of a devils face with horns other residents that and!, room # my room quot ; the Ohio University spirits, or are they just experiencing spirits in drinks.

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ohio university haunted dorm