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Me too. Would prefer a steel guide rod. Could be some weird cultural tick at my company, so its not like that everywhere. We have a process for removing yourself from a distribution list, and replying to all to an email sent to the distribution list isnt it. I remember coming in that morning to 600+ emails and nearly had a heart attack. For awhile, I used Ten-four! with another manager as kind of a joke to let her know I got a message, but it doesnt really work with everyone. Tried to get ebay and paypal details in order send an invoice to me. Please advise. Or How do I save a word file? Okay. https . I really think it depends on company culture. Prefacing the word reminder with gentle or friendly is a feeble attempt to soften the blow. I think this blog needs a new topic category called over thinking it. tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s, tag); Do NOT leave your belongings at the front desk. One of the frequently used phrases was Please advice me further. I always get back with the tardy person and ask them if they need something else/anything before they can reply. Although Please advise can seem a bit blunt on its own, like most things it does depend on context and culture. Maybe its worse, but I use This is a reminder that and then This is your 2nd reminder notice that and finally This is your 3rd reminder that.. Its fine that you personally dont like it, but its not passive aggressive and I am not sure where you get the impression that it almost always is. Its the opposite of passive aggressive its direct. + Read the full interview, I love that TextRanch editors are real people who revise the text and provide feedback it makes it so personal. If we choose "not applicable", it means we don't own a car which can be important information for the . Because it was sitting in my barn / shop for over 12 years!! I am not a fan of please advise either but it is pretty common and probably not meant to sound rude. I think in the emails in this discussion the term is almost used out of context due to the monkey see, monkey do concept. should I be so emotionally drained by managing? Often, one person or department will need to make a decision that effects my clients. Please advise. (if you wanted instant notification you could have sent it yourself!) Why did the author use "prefer"? I dot: Thoughts? for that. I dont think the IM itself is what AMG is referring to its when the person IMing then wants you to be the one to call them, even though theyre the one who wants something. I worked at a hospital with thousands of employees and some erroneous email went out to the entire hospital listserv (I dont even remember the original email), and for DAYS we kept getting emails from people saying Please take me off this email chain! and Please stop hitting reply all! DAYS OF THIS. ), Oh, and our organization likes to close emails with Very Respectfully. So I explained the situation and stated quite plainly what I wanted her to do. I have found that simply putting are you able to help me resolve this? (Hope this helps really means - now leave me alone [or something like that].) Every nasty email from our home office bookeeper ends with PLEASE ADVISE. I also hate that phrase, but I think its just because of that particular sender. Sentence examples similar to let me know your preference from inspiring English sources. Example Sentences for Step 1 We would like you to know how much we have appreciated serving you this past year. And please let me know when his lawyer gets here. 3 likes. Boss: We need to have Horatio sign it. I use "let me know" (or "let me know either way") all the time and I've always intended it to mean "by the way, you can say no if you want to". Or let someone else unemployed for months have your job instead? JMO of course. Please click the link that we've sent to this address to post your question to our experts.Ok, I'll check my email. Thats how I use it too. The other thing I see it used for in my office is as a handoff when the question or problem thats being asked is my jurisdiction, but someone else is acting as a go-between in my case this is usually a question from a student thats being forwarded to me by their advisor, or something like that. She would ask why I hadnt responded or done X yet, and I would say that I didnt know that I needed to. It is a broad, general term, however, it can be very meaningful and thorough. We have enjoyed serving you for the past five years. You do not become a priority to him by making him your priority. (I wont get into the aggravating colleague who copies the boss on EVERY (sorry for the shouty capitals) email exchange between us, which is another reason why my emails resemble business letters I look more professional than she. I delete it from their email before responding. Philomena, Im like, Theres something about the tone of it that feels too deferential or uncertain to me. should you wish. Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosures. The phrase always brings her to mind. E.g, the change request you sent me is asking for A and B. Dana. The latter has a different meaning. I try to leave the actual question for the end of the paragraph. And a section called the hazards of over thinking. Especially Es. If you're looking for a complete and built-in experience on your smartphone, you must take a glance at Emerald Chat mobile on your browser of selection. Any help would be . if (w.addEventListener) { But I usually blend the can you do X question with kindly requesting so it reads, Can you kindly read X and do Y and get back to me with Z? Artificial intelligence still cannot do this ! Especially annoying if its a repeat offender one of my co-workers and I used to joke that it actually meant please give me advice so I can ignore it and do whatever I want anyway, and then blame you when it went wrong because then I can CYA and say well, I asked Meg Murry for her advice and carefully neglect to mention that I didnt actually follow her advice. They are rarely, if ever, able to clearly articulate their reason(s) and at that point, I ask them to please refrain from using it in communicating with me. This exactly. Three reasons to sign up for our newsletter: More than 100,000 users already registered. All I can do it explain what the issue is and what our end need is, and ask them what our possible options are. Maybe thats a little too informal for some places, but it generally works for me. And finally: you will be intimated, meaning you will be informed. Shes lovely, but I dont like the phrase. She then said What parking procedure? If it sounds normal and polite out loud, I think its fine to use in an email. Its super formal feeling, but Im told that literally everything else will be misinterpreted by someone. Don't use the phrase, "Hope this helps" in an email. They also like to use gentle reminder and thanks in advance. It has become something that is passed on from one new person to another. EmilyG, can you reboot the X server because it appears to be down and I need to work on Y. TIA! was reasonable enough. I use Please advise every so often, and I think I basically use it as a step up from Let me know what you think. Specifically, for Let me know what you think, I would consider a lack of preference an acceptable answer. Like the OP says: The addition of please advise feels demanding and bratty and of course redundant. Happily, havent dealt with please advise outside of corresponding with legal counsel. Not only does it annoy me because the person could have just called me, but I also now have a pit in my stomach, dreading whatever situation it is that requires a phone call without any written discussion. No. Because signing off with NOW WHAT PLEASE HELP MEEEE would be inappropriate. It drives me batty. Can I help whos next? is completely ungrammatical to me. Its never even occurred to me that someone would take issue with it. Please let me know when it is completed. Its formal, but thats not the same as passive-aggressive. Most reasonable people will understand it. I dont use that often, but when I do its because people occasionally read past the question parts of emails or respond to 1 out of the 2 things I need them to answer. In-depth corrections and comments from a senior editor. I was really helpful. You could just say its a reminder without qualifiers. if you will. To help you find the right words when you need them here are 20 great expressions for closing an email. OP, Alison gave some pretty solid advice here. I work with people in India a lot and they do say Please do the needful which is quirky English but not offensive or particularly grating to me. Hey, just a quick reminder to please send me blah blad by x date. Im surprised too. Thank you !! Not all jobs are client-facing however, so it may not be appropriate for all industries. w.attachEvent("onload", loader); It totally fell out of favor in the UK (and never did come over to the US or Canada), but because of timing, it remained a popular phrase in Indian English. Thats the way I use it too. I managed to screw up pretty regularly in the third category, which led to me being pretty gun-shy about replying at all unless I was explicitly asked a question or given an action item. After that I made sure all her emails had double question marks which probably also would drive some people crazy but I didnt care what she thought at that point and hey I got more responses after that. One thing I get frequently from my Indian co-workers is I have a doubt instead of saying I have a question. It was never a genuine question. PizzaSquared * April 13, 2015 at 3:15 pm. You know, I think everyones got their pet peeves with email. Ha, this post brings back memories. Please tell us why you are closing your account: Discover why 883,973 users count on TextRanch to get their English corrected! Im going to ask Alison!. April 1, 2012. It seems ok to me, and I havent seen it on anyones Grrr list ever. Thats almost threatening. Im good at sussing this out now, but for the first year I was in this role, I found it really challenging. Although if I usually stop by to ask a question I always open with, Hi do you have a minute? so they can tell me if its not a great time to drop by and maybe come back five minutes later. Do something with it.. Is that incorrect, Sparrow? As in, The task youve given me is physically impossible. I am impressed. Remember to use a valid email address. TechCrunch. i think if aam has taught me anything, its that you can never be 100% sure of anything when it comes to interacting with other people. Usually when a situation has gone pear-shaped and I have no clue what to do next. Bold is betterI can understand it for dates, times, conference rooms, key info of that sort. I generally think thats a fair assessment by the writer, so maybe thats why it rarely annoys me. I do too! I dont like gentle reminder either, but I think prefacing this kind of request with Just a reminder without the gentle is not a bad idea. I had a calculus teacher who said a combination of the words so um ok yeah every few sentences. Its *extremely* useful. Who cares if someone writes please advise, I honestly doubt they are including it to annoy you. I dont think its such a terrible phrase until someone inevitably writes please advice. Like us on Facebook by clicking the like button below: Share TextRanch on Facebook by clicking on the button below. because thats how it is used. Research indicates, however, that including "don't know" options actually produces more problems than it solves.

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