south african surname origins

A succession of wars were conducted between the Boers and the Basotho for the next 10 years. In September 1854, 28 Boers accused of cattle rustling were killed in three separate incidents by an alliance of the Ndebele chiefdoms of Mokopane and Mankopane. [238] A lack of investment in new power generating capacity and an aging fleet of existing power plants was the initial cause of the crisis. The Patriot revolutionaries then proclaimed the Batavian Republic, which was closely allied to revolutionary France. The progenitors of the extended clan are Willem Schalk van der Merwe (born in "Broeck", probably [[Broek= Babyloninbroek], province Noord-Brabant May 1634,in Babyloninbroek (Broek) and . Meaning: 'Flower' or 'blossom.' 4. Claimants to the site included the South African (Transvaal) Republic, the Orange Free State Republic, and the mixed-race Griqua nation under Nicolaas Waterboer. Others said it was not relevant to the struggle for their rights. With 250,000 paid-up members at the height of its existence, it was the largest white protest movement in the country's history. Axmed (Somali origin) the variant for Ahmed. Popular South African Surnames and Meanings Abara - This surname is of Igbo origin and it means "spirit." Adebisi - The meaning of this last name is "the king" and it is of Yoruba origin. [89] The country was subsequently named Basutoland and is presently named Lesotho. The 1820s saw a time of immense upheaval relating to the military expansion of the Zulu Kingdom, which replaced the original African clan system with kingdoms. In 1854, it was granted its first locally elected legislature, the Cape Parliament. [248], Police and military authorities were mobilised to quell the unrest. Means "gratitude" in Sotho. These are the 10 most common African American surnames according to the 2000 census: Williams: Williams is a patronymic of English origin of someone with a forebear named William. The racially mixed genealogical origins of many so-called "white" South Africans have been traced to interracial unions at the Cape between the European occupying population and imported Asian and African slaves, the indigenous Khoi and San, and their vari-hued offspring. Abara: Originating from the Igbo group of West Africa, Abara means 'spirit'. This led to conflict between the Basotho and the British, who were defeated by Moshoeshoe's warriors at the battle of Viervoet in 1851. Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. [213] The Charter decreed that "the national wealth of our country, the heritage of South Africans, shall be restored to the people; the mineral wealth beneath the soil, the banks and monopoly industry shall be transferred to the ownership of the people". African Last Names Ba Bah Ballo Cisse Contee Conteh Diallo Fall Kone Mensah Ndiaye Nwosu Okafor Okeke Okoro Osei Owusu Sall Sane Sarr Sesay Sow Sy Toure Traore Turay Yeboah There are 54 countries, between 900 and 1,500 languages, and several thousand ethnic groups in Africa, according to Britannica. Moshoeshoe was under the impression he was loaning grazing land to the settlers in accordance with African precepts of occupation rather than ownership, while the settlers believed they had been granted permanent land rights. [57] The Boers accepted British annexation in 1844. "Untold History with a Historiography: A Review of Scholarship on Afrikaner Women in South African History.". 31. The Dutch East India Company (in the Dutch of the day: Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, or VOC) decided to establish a permanent settlement at the Cape in 1652. A succession of wars followed from 1858 to 1868 between the Basotho kingdom and the Boer republic of Orange Free State. Luckhoff South African Lupondo South African Luter South African Madia South African Abioye (Yoruba origin) meaning "son of royalty". [118] The enormous wealth of the mines was in the hands of European "Randlords" overseeing the mainly British foreign managers, mining foremen, engineers and technical specialists, characterised by the Boers as uitlander, meaning aliens. Independent sovereignty of the republic was formally recognised by Great Britain with the signing of the Sand River Convention on 17 January 1852. They moved about 500 miles eastward, over the Quathlamba (today known as the Drakensberg mountain range), settling ultimately in an area officially designated as "Nomansland", which the Griquas renamed Griqualand East. [14][15][16] The initial origin of the Khoikhoi remains uncertain.[17][18]. Find your family's origin in the United States, average life expectancy, most common occupation, and more. Magombo Swahili, African, Swazi (Rare) Meaning unknown, possibly related from the fore name of the same name. This Second AngloBoer War, also known as the South African War lasted longer than the first, with British troops being supplemented by colonial troops from Southern Rhodesia, Canada, India, Australia and New Zealand. Guelke, Leonard (1976). Smiths created objects of iron, copper and gold both for local decorative use and for foreign trade. [222] The debt was finally settled in September 2001. Waterboer, fearing conflict with the Boer republic of Orange Free State, subsequently asked for and received British protection. Kruger rejected the British demand and called for the withdrawal of British troops from the borders of the South African Republic. 'The quantitative Cape: A review of the new historiography of the Dutch Cape Colony', South African Historical Journal 66.1, 2014, pp. "B&J": Jacob Bercovitch and Richard Jackson. [228] The slow pace of transformation also fomented tensions within the tripartite alliance between the ANC, the Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions.[229]. Yet resistance by Boer bittereinders (meaning those who would fight to the bitter end) continued for two more years with guerrilla warfare, which the British met in turn with scorched earth tactics. The July 2021 unrest coincided with the Cape Town taxi conflict[253] and Transnet ransomware attack[254][255] leading to unproven speculation that they might have been connected. John Murray. The role of the Boer settlers was replaced by subsidised British immigrants of whom 5,000 arrived between 1849 and 1851. Racial segregation and white minority rule known officially as apartheid, an Afrikaans word meaning "separateness", was implemented in 1948. [59] Annexation also precipitated a war between British colonial forces and the indigenous Xhosa nation in 1850, in the eastern coastal region.[60]. The war is notable for several particularly bloody battles, including an overwhelming victory by the Zulu at the Battle of Isandlwana, as well as for being a landmark in the timeline of imperialism in the region. A local trader Dick King and his servant Ndongeni, who later became folk heroes, were able to escape the blockade and ride to Grahamstown, a distance of 600km (372.82 miles) in 14 days to raise British reinforcements. The prehistory and history of South Africa span nearly the entire known existence of human beings and their ancestorssome three million years or moreand include the wandering of small bands of hominins through the savanna, the inception of herding and farming as ways of life, and the construction of large urban centres. The first modern humans are believed to have inhabited South Africa more than 100,000 years ago. Germany's Ludwig Loewe company, later known as Deutsche Waffen-und Munitionfabriken, delivered 55,000 of these rifles to the Boers in 1896. Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) was introduced . On 12 March 1868, the British parliament declared the Basotho Kingdom a British protectorate and part of the British Empire. The president is elected by the National Assembly and serves a term that expires at the next general election. Lennet South African Letesha South African Louw Afrikaans Louw is a surname that has pre 7th century Germanic origins. [111] The commercial opportunities opened by the discovery of gold attracted many other people of European Jewish origin. In 1818 differences between two Xhosa leaders, Ndlambe and Ngqika, ended in Ngqika's defeat, but the British continued to recognise Ngqika as the paramount chief. [24], The British explorers David Livingstone and William Oswell, setting out from a mission station in the northern Cape Colony, are believed to have been the first white men to cross the Kalahari desert in 1849. [160] [55] The name Orange Free State was again changed to the Orange River Colony, created by Britain after the latter occupied it in 1900 and then annexed it in 1902 during the Second Boer War. Meaning: Spirit. He eventually surrendered to a combined deputation of Boer and British forces on 2 December 1879. Both sides adopted scorched-earth tactics, with large swathes of pasturage and cropland being destroyed. In 2015, the discovery near Johannesburg of a previously unknown species of Homo was announced, named Homo naledi. On 4 November 1977, the Security Council imposed a mandatory arms embargo in terms of Resolution 181 calling upon all States to cease the sale and shipment of arms, ammunition and military vehicles to South Africa. 3. It is among the most common African last names. The "aliens" objected to being denied parliamentary representation and the right to vote, and they complained also of bureaucratic government delays in the issuing of licenses and permits, and general administrative incompetence on the part of the government.[119]. Prosecutions before the courts of the Union of South Africa were instituted in the name of the Crown and government officials served in the name of the Crown. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure. The same legislation applied also to South West Africa over which South Africa had continued after World War I to exercise a disputed League of Nations mandate. The settlement of southern Africa by the Khoisan corresponds to the earliest separation of the extant Homo sapiens populations altogether, associated in genetic science with what is described in scientific terms as matrilinear haplogroup L0 (mtDNA) and patrilinear haplogroup A (Y-DNA), originating in a northwestern area of southern Africa. It has been described as one of the most important paleontological discoveries in modern times. By 1987, total military expenditure amounted to about 28% of the national budget. This caused further dissatisfaction among the Dutch settlers. Elphick, Richard; Giliomee, Hermann (eds. Madia South African. In November 1497, a fleet of Portuguese ships under the command of the Portuguese mariner Vasco da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope. Rosenthal, Eric. Kholwa (Southern African origin), meaning "believe" and is found in both Ndebele and Zulu cultures. [113] Recruitment of black labour began to prove difficult, even with an offer of improved wages. Information department, Government of Lesotho. [174] These states, forming a regional alliance of southern African states, were named collectively as the Frontline States: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and, from 1980, Zimbabwe. These refugees and asylum seekers originated mainly from Zimbabwe, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia. [105][106], Although many tales abound, there is no conclusive evidence as to who first discovered gold or the manner in which it was originally discovered in the late 19th century on the Witwatersrand (meaning White Waters Ridge) of the Transvaal. [109] In 1895 there was an investment boom in Witwatersrand gold-mining shares. [131], Public opinion in South Africa split along racial and ethnic lines. South African surnames. [71], In 1861, to avoid the imminent prospect of either being colonised by the Cape Colony or coming into conflict with the expanding Boer Republic of Orange Free State, most of the Philippolis Griquas embarked on a further trek. Colin Newbury, "Technology, Capital, and Consolidation: The Performance of De Beers Mining Company Limited, 18801889". It comes from a Punjabi word 'gil, which means 'prosperity'. This position was rejected by many rural Afrikaners who supported the Maritz Rebellion. [198] The armed wing of the ANC, Umkhonto weSizwe (abbreviation MK, meaning Spear of the Nation) claimed moral legitimacy for the resort to violence on the grounds of necessary defence and just war. [141] On 21 June 1942 nearly 10,000 South African soldiers, representing one-third of the entire South African force in the field, were taken prisoner by German Field Marshal Rommel's forces in the fall of Tobruk, Libya. This was the 499th most popular girl name in the U.K. in 2005, with 70 newborns being named Aamina. Civilians were killed or injured in many of these robberies. Boujettif Northern African (Archaic) Meaning, "The family of the son of the Clever Head" or "One Whom Possess a Clever Head." Bou (normally used in the North African Regions of the Maghrib Countries) has 2 possible derivative meanings both originating from the Arabic language, "Son of." or an Arabic word Tho meaning, "One Who Possess A Quality."Jettif is a variance of Jettef, Jeif or Ji'f . 29. Mani is the reduced form of the South Indian surname Subramanian. [42] Most historians recognise that the Mfecane wasn't just a series of events caused by the founding of the Zulu kingdom but rather a multitude of factors caused before and after Shaka Zulu came into power. 21,000 of them were deployed to France as stevedores at French ports, where they were housed in segregated compounds. [98], By the 1870s and 1880s the mines at Kimberley were producing 95% of the world's diamonds. Later, English and Dutch seafarers in the late 16th and 17th centuries exchanged metals for cattle and sheep with the Khoikhoi. Manpower, from all races, helped Allied operations not just on the Western Front and Africa, but also in the Middle East against the Ottoman Empire. [23] The advancing Bantu encroached on the Khoikhoi territory, forcing the original inhabitants of the region to move to more arid areas. The establishment of the staging post by the Dutch East India Company at the Cape in 1652 soon brought the Khoikhoi into conflict with Dutch settlers over land ownership. Van der Merwe is a common Afrikaans surname, derived from the Dutch van der Merwen ("from the Merwede"). This was accomplished after several years of negotiations, when the South Africa Act 1909 consolidated the Cape Colony, Natal, Transvaal, and Orange Free State into one nation. Ndlovu: Means elephant. [88] War broke out again in 1865. Retief Afrikaans Afrikaans form of Rtif. The convention declared that apartheid was both unlawful and criminal because it violated the Charter of the United Nations. When he did not pay the fine in full, a battle broke out on the Berea Plateau in 1852, where the British suffered heavy losses. It is a Dutch/Flemish variant on the word Lowe, meaning Lion. Except in rare outcrops, however, the main gold deposits had over many years become covered gradually by thousands of feet of hard rock. The stat was also shown on television, which . The independent Boer republic of Orange Free State evolved from colonial Britain's Orange River Sovereignty, enforced by the presence of British troops, which lasted from 1848 to 1854 in the territory between the Orange and Vaal rivers, named Transorange. A total of 616 men from the Fifth Battalion of the SANLC drowned on 21 February 1917 when the troopship SS Mendi, on which they were being transported to France, collided with another vessel near the Isle of Wight. [120] It ended when the invading column was ambushed and captured by Boer commandos. Naidoo: A popular Indian surname in South Africa. Abara (Igbo origin) meaning "spirit". An academic study conducted in 2006, found that South Africans showed levels of xenophobia greater than anywhere else in the world. Kholwa Female | Kholwa is a name used in both the Zulu and Ndebele cultures and means "believe". In 1688, the Dutch and the Germans were joined by French Huguenots, Calvinist Protestants fleeing religious persecution in France under its Catholic ruler, King Louis XIV. Cattle rustling ensued and a party of Boers under the leadership of Piet Retief were killed. South Africa's top-secret Special Signals Service played a significant role in the early development and deployment of radio detection and ranging (radar) technology used in protecting the vital coastal shipping route around southern Africa. Lynx Southern African, English. 4. The kingdom controlled trade through the east African ports to Arabia, India and China, and throughout southern Africa, making it wealthy through the exchange of gold and ivory for imports such as Chinese porcelain and Persian glass beads.[25]. The VOC, one of the major European trading houses sailing the spice route to the East, had no intention of colonizing the area, instead wanting only to establish a secure base camp where passing ships could be serviced and restock on supplies. [64], Over the next 50 years, 150,000 more indentured Indian servants and labourers arrived, as well as numerous free "passenger Indians," building the base for what would become the largest Indian diasporic community outside India. [191] South African involvement in Angola ended formally after the signing of a United Nations-brokered agreement known as the New York Accords between the governments of Angola, Cuba and South Africa, resulting in the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Angola and also South Africa's withdrawal from South West Africa (now Namibia), which the UN regarded as illegally occupied since 1966. In addition to being a standalone name, Ade is also a diminutive form of other names that begin with Ade. [190] However, the South African military had lost air superiority and its technological advantage, largely due to an international arms embargo against the country. [96], The Crown Colony of Griqualand West was annexed into the Cape Colony in 1877, enacted into law in 1880. South Africa had the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDS compared to any other country in the world, with 5,600,000 people afflicted by the disease and 270,000 HIV-related deaths were recorded in 2011. [240][241], The post-apartheid period has been marked by numerous outbreaks of xenophobic attacks against foreign migrants and asylum seekers from various conflict zones in Africa. The settlers, incorrectly, believed that the Cape Colony administration had taken the money due to them as payment for freeing their slaves. . It pursued a very violent strategy known as "ungovernability", they killed thousands of opposition party, mostly members of Inkatha Freedom Party in some cases burning them alive, including rent boycotts, student protests, and strike campaigns. The Boers took a defensive position with the high banks of the Ncome River forming a natural barrier to their rear with their ox waggons as barricades between themselves and the attacking Zulu army. 77. It marked the beginning of nine years of British intervention in the affairs of the region, which the British named Transorange. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. [199] From the 1960s onwards until 1989, MK carried out numerous acts of sabotage and attacks on military and police personnel. The Bantu expansion was one of the major demographic movements in human prehistory, sweeping much of the African continent during the 2nd and 1st millennia BC. Natalia was a short-lived Boer republic established in 1839 by Boer Voortrekkers emigrating from the Cape Colony. [116] The conflict ended almost as soon as it began with a decisive Boer victory at Battle of Majuba Hill (27 February 1881). The country would only be readmitted to the UN in 1994 following its transition to democracy. [24] The free burghers were ex-VOC soldiers and gardeners, who were unable to return to Holland when their contracts were completed with the VOC. British sovereignty of the area was recognised at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the Dutch accepting a payment of 6 million pounds for the colony. Under the leadership of a former slave named Adam Kok, these "coloureds" or Basters (meaning mixed race or multiracial) as they were named by the Dutcha word derived from baster, meaning "bastard"[68]started trekking northward into the interior, through what is today named Northern Cape Province. Aamina Aamina is a Somali name, meaning "feel safe." This spelling is an alternative transcription of the Arabic name Amenah. 2. Variant spellings include Prinzloo and Prinslo. Some members of the Torch Commando subsequently became leading figures in the armed wing of the banned African National Congress. Abebe: The genesis of this Ethiopian name is Amharic, and it means 'flower' or 'blossom'. [107] The discovery of gold in February 1886 at a farm called Langlaagte on the Witwatersrand in particular precipitated a gold rush by prospectors and fortune seekers from all over the world. Economically, South Africa supplied two-thirds of gold production in the British Empire, with most of the remainder coming from Australia. du Toit is an Afrikaans surname of French origin, originally from Franois du Toit, a Huguenot who moved to South Africa in 1686. The territory of the South African Republic became known after this war as the Transvaal Colony.[54]. The British High Commission territories of Basutoland (now Lesotho), Bechuanaland (now Botswana), and Swaziland (now Eswatini) continued under direct rule from Britain. Meaning: 'Child that keeps coming or reincarnation.' 5. [83] The British then set about establishing large sugar plantations in the area today named KwaZulu-Natal Province. The armed incursion became known as the Jameson Raid. An attack on a Christian church in Cape Town in 1993, left eleven people dead and 58 injured. Like a window into their day-to-day life, South African census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. CS3012.U5 South Africa 12. The Union of South Africa came to an end after a referendum on 5 October 1960, in which a majority of white South Africans voted in favour of unilateral withdrawal from the British Commonwealth and the establishment of a Republic of South Africa. The first modern humans are believed to have inhabited South Africa more than 100,000 years ago. [94] Cape Colony Governor Henry Barkly persuaded all claimants to submit themselves to a decision of an arbitrator and so Robert W Keate, Lieutenant-Governor of Natal was asked to arbitrate. Among the obstacles were the presence of the independent states of the South African Republic and the Kingdom of Zululand and its army. BP Willan, "The South African Native Labour Contingent, 19161918". Pages in category "Afrikaans-language surnames" The following 148 pages are in this category, out of 148 total. In 1836, when Boer Voortrekkers (pioneers) arrived in the northwestern part of present-day South Africa, they came into conflict with a Ndebele sub-group that the settlers named "Matabele", under chief Mzilikazi. It is likely that around 50% of white men of military age served during the war, more than 146,000 whites. Meanwhile, 34-year-old South African pacer Shabnim Ismail not only took three wickets but also registered her name in record books by bowling the fastest ball in women's cricket. 36. This territory and others in the region then became the Republic of the Orange Free State.[85]. [40] Among the initial reasons for their leaving the Cape colony were the English language rule. The country became a fully sovereign nation state within the British Empire, in 1934 following enactment of the Status of the Union Act. As Cape Prime Minister, Rhodes curtailed the multi-racial franchise, and his expansionist policies set the stage for the Second Boer War. After the March 1960 massacre of 69 peaceful demonstrators at Sharpeville, and the subsequent declaration of a state of emergency, and the banning of anti-apartheid parties including the African National Congress (ANC), the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC), and the Communist Party of South Africa, the focus of national resistance turned to armed struggle and underground activity. By 1952, the brief flame of mass-based white radicalism was extinguished, when the Torch Commando disbanded due to government legislation under the Suppression of Communism Act, 1950. [34] The Cape Articles of Capitulation of 1806 allowed the colony to retain "all their rights and privileges which they have enjoyed hitherto",[35] and this launched South Africa on a divergent course from the rest of the British Empire, allowing the continuance of Roman-Dutch law. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your South African ancestors lived in harsh conditions. The Cape and the VOC had to import Dutch farmers to establish farms to supply the passing ships as well as to supply the growing VOC settlement. The descendants of unions between the Dutch settlers and the Khoi-San and Malay slaves became known officially as the Cape Coloureds and the Cape Malays, respectively. Newbury (1987), p.1 citing D Hobart Houghton and Jennifer Dagut (eds). Finding and extracting the deposits far below the ground called for the capital and engineering skills that would soon result in the deep-level mines of the Witwatersrand producing a quarter of the world's gold, with the "instant city" of Johannesburg arising astride the main Witwatersrand gold reef. [164] By mid-1987 the Human Rights Commission knew of at least 140 political assassinations in the country, while about 200 people died at the hands of South African agents in neighbouring states. During the early-1990s, Poqo was renamed Azanian People's Liberation Army (APLA). Starting from the mid-1800s, the Cape of Good Hope, which was then the largest state in southern Africa, began moving towards greater independence from Britain. The Coloured element was generally supportive and many served in a Coloured Corps in East Africa and France, also hoping to better themselves after the war.[131]. A strong relationship existed between the African National Congress (ANC) and the UDF, based on the shared mission statement of the Freedom Charter. Available at, Edgerton, Robert B, Africa's armies: from honor to infamy: a history from 1791 to the present (2002) p.109. Similarly, schools, justice and trade up to the arrival of the British, were all managed in the Dutch language. [243] South Africa received more than 207,000 individual asylum applications in 2008 and a further 222,300 in 2009, representing nearly a four-fold rise in both years over the levels seen in 2007. 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south african surname origins