eu4 how to get countries to join hre

If the religious leagues are not triggered in the HRE before 1625 or if the leagues form, but the war is not declared for 30 years, the event The Diet of $CAPITAL_CITY$ can happen for the emperor and declare Catholicism the official faith of the empire. I'm thinking probably Saxony, Bavaria, or Switzerland. The first way is for small nations. If done right, uniting the HRE can be fun and rewarding, and will additionally net the player the "A Kaiser not just in name" achievement if playing on Ironman. I've never been able to get the papal states to join either with my opinion of them being 200+. Force the country to move it's capital into the HRE. EU4 1.33 Castile Guide - This Beginner Nation Is STILL UNSTOPPABLE The Red Hawk 213K views 9 months ago EU4 1.33 Mamluks Guide - The MAMLUK HRE VASSAL SWARM Is INSANE The Red Hawk 135K views 8. Press J to jump to the feed. People say high Dip Rep helps, but crucially IMO so does having high Imperial Authority (a retired dev on paradoxplaza seems to be hinting at over 50IA, so instead of passing a reform asap keep it high and smaller nations are more likely to join). Since you cant go over 200 development, some diplomatic actions wont be accessible to you, especially the Great Power actions. If you want to be the Emperor, you should undermine Austria at every possible opportunity. in the event, The Emperor of the HRE selected the option 'A black day!' Mutually exclusive with 'Reform the Hofgericht', Mutually exclusive with 'Establish the Reichstag Collegia'. exe" file. For more information, please see our How do I get people to join HRE? Eventually you can get a cb to force a country to join. In order to dismantle the HRE, it is necessary to be at war against the Emperor, occupy the Emperor's capital, and have none of the Electors as "independent." But it generates AE. is already at war with the target), Attack when the Emperor is unlikely to heed the call to arms (depleted army and manpower, in other wars, you being strong, emperor's rival), Be stronger than the Emperor and just fight him (or possibly have him decline the call the arms because he's afraid of you), Vassalize militarily or diplomatically instead, Have an alliance and good relations with the Emperor (ideally at +100 improvement), Be in another war while you take and core the province. Unless there was change in function in 1.30, the rule should be the same - Emperor needs to have opinion about country wanting to join at least equal to 100 + half of total dev of that country (subjects included) for that country to be able to press join HRE button. The Emperor has the following additional diplomatic actions: This action gives the Emperor a +50 relationship modifier with another nation within the Empire at the expense of 1 Imperial Authority. Refusing a demand for unlawful territory will reduce relations with all HRE members by 25 and give the emperor an Imperial Liberation casus belli against the target. Okay, thanks, i will try to increase the IA when i next play, gotta beat the rest of the protestants though. After you pass the third reform, you'll get a CB you can use to force them in. The capital of the released country needs to be in an HRE province. AI emperors will assign nations they have good relations with, and that are the dominant religion in the empire. Archived post. Interactive corporate website, per imperial prince(not free city or elector) after the imperial reform . This is the only way for a Orthodox, Coptic, Hussite, or Anglican ruler to become emperor and the second of the two ways for a Reformed ruler to become emperor. Princes (i.e. Try distributing gifts, royal marriages, alliances and other relation-improving maneuvers to members who oppose it, before implementing the reform. Questions, Paradox Authority has become centered in faraway Denmark, and the many conflicts with Lbeck and the Hanseatic cities have been quite costly. However, Electors can be of any Christian religion. Otherwise one would still be paralyzed into not being able to pass reforms even 120 years later and deep into the Age of Absolutism. All new subscribers will gain immediate access to all additional content ever . In addition, there will be a lot of aggressive expansion when trying to conquer their provinces. The Dutch people living under the rule of [Root.GetName] have become discontent and seek the creation of an independent state through violent means. For example, in 1444 Burgundy has 144 development. Notes and strategies for specific reforms, Emperor being called in wars against HRE members, Emperor demanding back non-cored HRE provinces, /Europa Universalis IV/common/static_modifiers/00_static_modifiers.txt, this number is calculated as IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_FROM_PRINCES / HRE_PRINCE_AUTHORITY_THRESHOLD. All rights reserved. If no war is started against the Emperor (by 1625) by the opposing religious league leader then it will take more 30+5 years to dissolve, assuming that the following conditions are also met, namely that no Elector can be Despite being the emperor, this large country can be you. And no, personal unions and vassals won't join the HRE. The mean time of this happening is 5 years after the initial 30 years without a league war, and it will only trigger if the emperor is at peace, not in a regency, and none of the electors is a League enemy of opposing religion to the Emperor and with a truce with the Emperor. The Electors are the nations that vote for the next Emperor. Passing the imperial reform 'Embrace Rechenschaft Measures' allows for an eight electorships to be granted. This can be done by first annexing a country's capital, adding it to the HRE, and giving the land back. This reform is easy to pass, as all the remaining HRE states are now vassals and will usually vote for it. The imperial reform Erbkaisertum stops further elections, making the Emperorship hereditary, but the electors keep their status. Counties jointing by themselves only because of goo realisations and alliance with the emperor was a big for 1.30.1. Or you can force the capital of a country to move to an HRE province by various means and that would make them a member. Once it does decide to join it will do so as soon as it meets the relations requirements and can add its capital. That and the union with Bohemia are two of the three most important first moves as Austria (the third is to conquer Venice). Best. They need to be 200 dev maximum, for sure. Once passed, if a new vassal is engaged in war, as the vassal overlord the emperor will take control, but be aware that this includes wars with belligerents both outside and inside the Empire, which may mean that instead of becoming overlord of a HRE province the player declare war on it, even if it agreed to the reform. You can also view the status of your candidacy by hovering over the electors coat of arms. This action is not available unless the HRE has an official religion and the elector is considered heretic. The Holy Roman Empire interface is disabled. HRE territory owned by non-members is shown with yellow diagonal lines in the Imperial map view. PC, Mac Linux. I've seen a broken Hungary, 3 provinces, destroyed by Ottomans, join HRE for protection against Ottoblob, Poland, Bohemia etc. These can be multiple wars. Starting as Mulhouse, become Emperor of the HRE and completely decentralize the Empire. If the Peace of Westphalia event happens, any Christian may be chosen (although a, Leading a country with the capital in the same continent as the current emperor's capital, On becoming Emperor one's government rank changes to empire (adding, Winning a defensive call to arms will grant as much as, Every country that has not been reined in may leave the Empire! This will likely cause non-HRE vassals to become disloyal, as total military strength will increase greatly. You would have to conquer, core, add to empire, then release. From the 15th century on, except for a handful of years under the house of Wittelsbach (during the early years of the reign of Archduchess Maria Theresa) the Emperor was from the House of Habsburg or Habsburg-Lorraine, the rulers of Austria and many other European nations. Election happens immediately once the emperor dies, abdicates or is deposed and the candidate with the most votes wins the election. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Privacy Policy. Fully annex a country, core, add provinces to the HRE, and release nation. Once the first imperial reform has been passed, The Emperor gains a casus belli against all non-HRE nations that control any HRE territory, such as Burgundy or Venice at the start of the game. No doubt $EMPERORNAME$ also plans for his female heir to in time take his seat on the Imperial Throne. The HRE emperor may request the owner of unlawful territory to return the province to an HRE member that has a Core on it (note this may not be its original owner). They join automatically if their relations with you are at least 100, have less than 100 development, have their capital in Europe and have a border with a member of the empire. In addition, the HRE will automatically be dismantled if there is nobody eligible to be elected Emperor (see above for requirements). We have reached a final and permanent accord with the Vicar of Christ, Pope [PAP.Monarch.GetName]. In return, they get a special government type (breaking any pre-existing Royal Marriages with no penalty), and the Emperor is always called into war if a Free City is attacked, even if the attacker is in the Empire and has a valid Casus Belli. could we get discipline instead?) Dutch Revolt. This can weaken both the incumbent Emperor and the Empire as whole. Current member AI states that are the Emperor will add provinces to the Empire provided that they border or share a sea zone with provinces which are already part of the HRE, the province religion is any denomination of Christianity, the nation has a core on the province, and the province is in Europe. Under the icon is a number which shows the authority of the current reigning Emperor. The sequence of centralization reforms in the game is loosely based on proposals that were made in the historical Holy Roman Empire starting in the 15th century, in order to "reform" it back into the more centralized and efficient structure it was considered to be in the 10th-12th centuries. He spent his childhood playing Suikoden, grew up with Total War, and matured (somewhat) with EU4. The threshold for proposing a reform is having 50 imperial authority. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Anyway I want to play a middling culturally German power to unite the HRE. Privacy Policy. In the chance that number decreases, the emperor may appoint new ones (if the proposed nation accepts) as needed up to the maximum number of 12 Free Cities. When there are fewer than seven electors, the Emperor may grant the electorate to another independent nation within the Empire. ", If the Elector is allied to the war leader against the Emperor, it is "not independent. Or, as you mention, you can do the "annex and release" routine. Start as a non-Christian country, or convert to a non-Christian religion. AI is 50 times more likely to choose this option if one of the following is true: The Emperor demands the restoration of Holstein to the HRE, Holstein will no longer be part of the HRE, The owner of Holstein (1775) is a member of the HRE, Italian Nations that have been reigned in will not leave the Empire, Italian Nations that have not been reigned in will leave the Empire, All Italian Provinces that are part of the HRE that are owned by non HRE members will be removed from the HRE, AI is twice as likely to choose this option by default, AI is five times more likely to choose this option if its. While the Emperor can demand unlawful territory while he is at war (not with you), AI-controlled Emperors don't seem to do so. In particular, republics are much more willing to become Free Cities than monarchies or theocracies. If any league war lasts a long time (25 years), or if it ends in a peace that does not involve either side securing the "Religious Supremacy" peace term, the Peace of Westphalia is signed, ending the religious war and allowing any Christian to be elected emperor. If Art of War is enabled, consider designating your HRE vassals as marches if you don't need their territory and have a strong economy, as it will lower their liberty desire (so you can feed them even more), and strengthen their military abilities, making the swarm even more unstoppable. Advice? Neighbors of the Order, which are part of the HRE, might feel threatened by this choice. Leaving causes non-core provinces in the HRE to be ceded to the emperor, removes all core provinces from the HRE, hurts relations with the emperor and reduces Imperial Authority by 10. He hopes to someday find a geopolitical JRPG with the 4X systems of a Paradox game. Similarly with Caucasus and Armenia. All rights reserved. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Beware that when the empire is united, all armies and navies under the command of the HRE Princes are passed on to the unified HRE, which can be devastating to finances due to being over the force limit. It is still possible for princes to end up at war as a result of honoring alliances with non-members or intervening in succession wars. Minor AI countries may rarely join the HRE if they have excellent relations with the current Emperor and they are threatened by a powerful neighbor (Ragusa in fear of the Ottomans, Gotland in fear of Lithuania/Sweden etc.). I have seen a lot of these posts but most of them are old. Overthrow Austria and become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Or just annex and keep, lol. This relationship bonus will disappear if the country stops being emperor. Cookie Notice 2023 FandomSpot Also modifier for religion which won league war will be removed. The Emperor's subject nations will almost always support him. The Protestant League is headed by the first protestant country which joins, thereafter the leader is determined based on a military score determined by the nations maximum manpower, force limit, and tactics. Adding Provinces to the HRE has no benefits in itself. As it is somewhat of a running theme with 1.35, another mechanic of the old EU4 has returned once again, though this time it is a little bit different. Take the country's new capital and the capital will move a second time. It experienced high amounts of decentralization towards the end of the Middle Ages, which is represented in-game by the special HRE mechanics (see below). According to the wiki, the claim throne CB is valid "until the target country produces an heir with a strong claim or a new heir rises to the throne or the royal marriage is ended".I just claimed Austria's throne, and between that, breaking our alliance, and reformation opinion maluses, they broke our royal marriage. Hungary's membership would damage the Empire. Ive seen AI East Frisia, Ragusa, and Corfu (after being freed) join. The Emperors opinion of you must be equal to your development. Additionally it will still consider nations which it has alliances or truces with and re-evaluates this on a monthly basis, though it seems to give these a lower priority, other things being equal. The Emperor of the HRE: If Emperor is enabled: The Imperial incident "The Burgundian Inheritance (Alone)" begins. France : Gets the event "[From.GetName] Defiant" in 10 days. 5% Development cost in every Empire province, The owner of this province gets the province event "Perpetual Diet" The Protestant League can declare war on the Catholic League at any time using the "Religious League" casus belli, which has the "Show Superiority" wargoal. Marquoz Feb 15, 2021 @ 2:20pm. This page lists the codes which may be input into the Console Window, a special debugging window which may be accessed on non-ironman games by pressing Shift + 2, Alt + 2 + 1, Shift + 3, , ~, ^, , , or ` (key varies based on keyboard layout). Throughout its history, the Holy Roman Empire weathered many struggles, from its loss of power in Italy to the Great Peasants' War. Common reforms, shown in the top row of the HRE interface, can be passed regardless of whether centralization or decentralization reforms have been selected, and must be passed in order to choose one of the two. Normally the capital now becomes the province of the original capital. Princes who do not support the reform will leave the Empire, receive 100 relations with the Emperor, and the Emperor gains temporary claims on the provinces that were in the Empire. Its possible for a nation to join the HRE via the HRE interface. An example is the Teutonic Order in 1444 which needs 149 relations with Austria to join, if Austria guarantees them and asks for military access they can still only reach 145 relations and will not be interested in joining, but once the event fires for them to sell their hre province back to Brandenburg, the relations requirement will drop down to 144, which is achievable and they will start working towards joining. When playing as an expansionist Austria (which is recommended most of the time), it is prudent to feed captured land to vassals to make them even stronger, giving eastern land to, for example, Pomerania, Brandenburg, and Bohemia and western land (France, Spain/Castile, and maybe even Northern Africa) to the small vassals in the western part of the Empire, and taking the Ottomans, the Black Sea, and nearby steppes for the player or giving it to other members. The union has however in many ways proved to be a disappointment to the Swedish nobles. Using new 1.30 Emperor update m. By default the player opposes them. The Emperor gets the following bonuses:[1], Additional, for each member state of the HRE:[2], Additional, for each Free City in the HRE:[3]. Or, as you mention, you can do the "annex and release" routine. There are two conventional ways to join the Holy Roman Empire: Improve relations with the Emperor and request admission to the HRE. As the title says, I would like to make AI factions join the HRE. Alternatively, while you can't move your capital into or out of an HRE province normally, such a move can still happen by other means like events or losing your current capital (at least if there is no other province of the same HRE status as the lost capital), and will result in respectively joining or leaving the HRE. EU4 1.33 Castile Guide - This Beginner Nation Is STILL UNSTOPPABLE The Red Hawk 213K views 9 months ago EU4 1.33 Mamluks Guide - The MAMLUK HRE VASSAL SWARM Is INSANE The Red Hawk 135K views 8. Step 2: Click on the "Diplomacy" tab at the top of your screen and then click on the "Create Coalition" button. Unlike in EU3, the Emperor can see how the members of the Imperial Diet will vote before calling for the reform by hovering over the reform button, and why they support or oppose by hovering over the shields of each imperial prince. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. and our Free Imperial Cities are one-province republics granted special favors by the Emperor. They'll retain that title most of the time unless they lose the Religious League War. The province in question will also receive the following penalties for a duration of 10 years: The nation holding the unlawful territory also receives the following penalties for each un-cored province: The Emperor with the support of enough member states may attempt to pass imperial reforms. Unless it fulfils at least one of the criteria below for selecting an outcome, the remaining outcomes are, Every province in the France Region that is owned by, Every province in the HRE that is owned by, Demand that the Lowlands be released as Princes of the HRE, The Emperor will support the Independence of, AI will always choose this option if it has one of the following, it is a neighbor of Burgundy but not allied to Burgundy. Note that having an alliance with the Emperor does not help, as they may still join on the defender's side. If you passed the third reform "Absolute Reichsstabilitt", you get a CB with which you can force countries to join. And you can't add non core provinces to the HRE. Opinion is capped at 200. [5] Once the Emperor has more than 50 imperial authority and half of the members' support and the Emperor is at peace the next reform may be passed. Compared to earlier centuries, when the Emperor wielded more control over his territory, the Empire by the EU4 timeframe had become greatly decentralized, and its member states acted with great autonomy. If an outside power conquers the target province, the emperor gains a claim on the province. Alternatively, the Empire can embrace its growing decentralization and gain strength from its diversity, while remaining united when it needs to. Trade Protectorates are a voluntary relationship between you and the target country, and some AIs might even request to become such a subject in order to be protected from foreign forces. Double-click on the new shortcut and a command window will open. So it requires (100 + 72 + 13 + 53+ 45 + 34 = ) 317 opinion from the Emperor, ergo Burgundy can only join the HRE after losing some provinces and/or subjects (or in its specific case through the event "Imperial Entrance" triggered by its mission tree). (And Why Join One), How To Join The Blades of the Darkmoon Covenant (DS3). If the Elector is a vassal of the Emperor, the Elector is "not independent" if their capital is captured. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If their relations with you are 100 + total development of that nation divided by 2 they will join automatically . It seems to compare the threat level and relative strength of one particular nation that it feels threatened by, which need to be greater than 300-(2*(HRE Imperial Authority)) for threat level (maximum 400) and less than (HRE Imperial Authority)/2 for relative strength (as a percentage). If a league leader is attacked by any nation during a league war, their fellow league members will automatically join the war as defenders of the leader. Does Italy simply refuse to rejoin the HRE once left? Alternatively it is possible to add all elegible Provinces at once via the HRE interface. Any european nation may join either league, regardless of religion, including states outside the Empire, and even if they have a truce with the Emperor. It also has Naxos and Corfu as vassals and their development is 6 and 9 respectively. Liberating territory from a non-HRE member that controls HRE territory will not allow for the emperor to demand it. That should make them your vassal without taking up a slot. 1 more diplomat (good in the HRE) 1 more promoted culture (uuuugh. Demanding causes a 100 relation penalty with the target, so it is probably worth it to let an Elector keep its spoil of war instead. After 1550, if the Counter-Reformation has begun, one of the Electors (that is not a subject nation) has become Protestant, Reformed, Anglican, or Hussite, and the Empire hasn't been reformed to the point of becoming hereditary, then the religious leagues can be formed by the event The Evangelical Union. ", If the Elector is a vassal of the war leader against the Emperor, it is "not independent. If the target accepts the request, they convert to the Emperor's state religion and one random province becomes converted automatically. Dismantling the HRE can be achieved very fast by advanced players. Peasants' War Progress is gained when countries become Peasant Republics or when they collapse to Peasant rebels. It would be intolerable if our dynasty should lose their hold on the crown they worked so hard to acquire due to a mere technicality. (3) have a truce with the Emperor (hence stop wars with any elector to end such truces). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Present wars are unaffected, and members may still be called into wars against other members. Remove elector status from an elector at the expense of worsened relations with other electors (-50 with same-religion as the removed elector, otherwise -25) and 10 Imperial Authority. When playing as the Emperor, in order to get as many princes as possible as vassals, it is worth increasing Imperial Authority to a level where all or most members would vote yes for this reform. Hungary should be in a personal union with you, not a vassal. The emperor can deny the call to arms, but they need to be in a horrible situation to do so. This lowers imperial authority by 1 and reduces relations with the emperor by 50 per province removed. Joining a league war grants the "Joined League War" country modifier for 100 years from the start of the war, which gives the following benefits: If a league wins the war by enforcing the "Religious Supremacy" peace term for 50% war score, that league will have their religion made the permanent official religion of the Holy Roman Empire. All other assets & trademarks are property of their original owners. As either the Papal States or the Emperor, have the Papal States as an Elector while the HRE is officially Catholic. The ai countries usually dont join voluntarily. At the start of the game in 1444, a ruler can only be elected Emperor if they follow the dominant religion - Catholic. ", Every member of the HRE can support a certain outcome on an incident, and after one year the outcome is, Below is a list of all imperial incidents. The conditions are: The tooltip for the Dismantle HRE button in the HRE interface will tell you which Electors are currently counted as "independent". Appointing an elector gives a +50 relations boost with the new elector. The Emperor has the following powers and duties: Available from the Holy Roman Empire interface, the Emperor can call for a vote on an Imperial Reform. Denying the request will also result in higher unrest, lower tax and manpower and a negative monthly autonomy change in the recently conquered province. A member state who is not the Emperor may leave at any time if it is at peace (using the HRE interface). Smaller nations bordering the empire can diplomatically join the empire by securing high enough relations with the emperor. The thresholds are based on Imperial Authority. Additionally, the Emperor may core any province within the Empire, even if it's out of coring range or inaccessible. If the emperor attacks a free city, it will suffer 3 stability. Members are considered 'Princely states' and their heads are 'Princes'. Note: Protestants and Reformists can be eligible too if their side has won the Religious League War. Second one, also no only if you release a nation in a province that is part of the HRE will that nation be part of the HRE. Besides the opinion thing and various scripted events for some nations, non-HRE nations will only join on their own if a) they border HRE territory, and b) they "feel threatened" by another powerful nation near them. Stops being Emperor up with total War, and matured ( somewhat ) with EU4 especially! And that are the dominant religion in the Empire by securing high enough relations the... Being Emperor however in many ways proved to be elected Emperor ( see above for requirements ) of. 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