santa rosa lynching

The entire building is being whitened inside. Mrs. Frank C. Newman, who had been elected president of Rural Cemetery Association in April, 1922, ordered the sexton of the cemetery to take it down a month later. . There seemed little likelihood of any evidence being secured to identify members of the mob, and without such Identification grand jury action would be improbable. The jail deputies gave them the cell keys without any resistance, They was as much in favor of it being done as we were, he said. This would seem to reference the report that the party came from San Francisco and may have stopped in Petaluma for something to eat or for gasoline and oil for cars, giving rise to the report. Through both the brilliant planning and great good luck, everything went off perfectly. Since her beatification, a feast day in her honor was added in 1729 to the Roman Catholic Church but . I helped pull on one of the ropes and it was quite a job to get him off the ground. The district attorney had not then heard of the occurrence and was so stunned at the news that he was unable to comment further at that moment. Barron, is making inquiries for the whereabouts of her son. Mosley, along with fellow PSC colleague Tonie Anderson-Steele, are coalition researchers. Snyder suggested that theNew York Timeswasnotethically compelled to volunteer Daniel Ellsbergs name to the FBI when he gave reporters top secret files purloined from the RAND Corporation, known as the Pentagon Papers. Boyd admitted to the officers that he had a sister living in this city many years ago by the name of Riley and that he had visited her several times. Santa Rosa County / 1 hour ago. Petray and Jewett started a little pursuit themselves, with the result that in about the time it takes a watch to tick, they had the two celebrators safely tucked away in the back seat of Youngs machine. SISTERS PLEA SAVES FITTS FACE FROM MORGUE EXPOSURE. The . While most lynchings involved hangings, lynchings include any premediated extrajudicial killing by a group. She agreed that the countywide rate of police killing has skyrocketed in tandem with 30 years of radical change in racial demographics, observing, Everybodys angry now. During the 1850s, at least one squatter was lynched at Bodega Ranch. Snyder mused, When a reporter stumbles across a crime, there is nothing keeping her from reporting it to law enforcement. Both bodies of course have been embalmed. Coroner F. H. Phillips of Sonoma county when flatly cornered by a Call man over the telephone today, finally admitted that the bodies of Boyd and Fitts have not as yet been buried to his knowledge, but he refused to state where they were, further than to admit that they have not been removed from the county. For inquiries regarding Title IX and the Colleges nondiscrimination policies, contact the Executive Director, Institutional Equity and Student Conduct at (850) 484-1759, Pensacola State College, 1000 College Blvd., Pensacola, Florida 32504. This community has been infested far too long by the presence of such men as those responsible for the tragedy of Sunday afternoon. For the rest of Ernest Finleys life, not a word about it would reappear in his newspaper. Until such time as they are interred, he feels that it is his duty to give out no information on the subject what ever. The pair, both masseurs at Burkes sanitarium, were jailed and fined $25 the next day. Fred was absolutely no relation to Maynard Young; their common name is a coincidence.2 That Fred would be the mastermind ends this long story with an unexpected twist because he was such a surprising candidate to plan and lead the mission. As the three officers entered the home of the suspects to . Its estimated 2019 population was 178,127. Hotel in Santa Rosa. On Thursday [sic] relatives of Fitts notified the coroner that they would claim his body. Step back in time with a visit to Historic Railroad Square. The letters and reporter notes are archived at the Gaye LeBaron Collection housed at Sonoma State University. There was the likely participation of the welder from the garage; stir in a few Pattesons and were up to ten, easy. This is a postscript to the series on the 1920 lynchings in Santa Rosa, THERE WILL BE PRICES PAID and covers one of the conspiracies of silence following the murder of the gangsters: The mystery of what happened to their bodies. lynching, a form of violence in which a mob, under the pretext of administering justice without trial, executes a presumed offender, often after inflicting torture and corporal mutilation. Gov. Besides showing those connections (and offering a few pretty good stories) it provides context to the most ingenious part of the Captains plan, which has been previously untold: Just before the masked vigilantes stormed the jail, he positioned one or more unmasked spies inside the building. This swung the plane out of its course and lessened its momentum, and before it could recover the plane collided with the roof of a barn, just across the street. According to LeBaron, Petray was a role model for the young people, an honest cop and an ideal family man. She failed to mention that Petray had himself spent three years on the lam, sought for the 1894 killing of an elderly man, whom he admitted to battering. One began chasing the other and kicking him as he ran. The sheriff and deputy arrested the drunks and stuffed them in the back seat of Youngs auto. Shops were deserted and business was virtually suspended. Children decorated school auditoriums with colorful bunting before performing holiday pageants. It will not replace the existing VA clinic at 3841 Brickway Blvd. Sheriff Petray is buried at Oak Mound Cemetary in Healdsburg. Santa Rosa Homes for Sale $683,937; Petaluma Homes for Sale $869,631; Rohnert Park Homes for Sale $653,202; Sebastopol Homes for Sale $1,024,191; Windsor Homes for Sale $750,507; Healdsburg Homes for Sale $1,012,455; Barnard said the vigilantes drilled for three nights preparing the armed assault on the jail house. So there was actually a third conspiracy of silence at work, this one to not only downplay the lynching itself but to particularly forget Santa Rosas complicity and ghoulish misbehavior. The earliest lynching case being investigated took place in 1884. He narrowly lost an election for Cloverdale constable in 1918 but was appointed a reserve deputy sheriff for the town, which gave him a badge. What emerges is that he and his family seemed to spend time with others who likewise came from Alexander Valley. Then his eyes caught another ring, and another, and another; then a dainty little pendant, set in opals and pearls rolled out onto the floor, apparently from nowhere. That would be a large field to plow even at a capital murder trial, but the coroner crammed it all into a single session and called just five witnesses. Captain Matheson Makes Inquiry and Finds Members Were on Duty. In early February, a jury selected from registered voters voted to exonerate deputy sheriff Charles Blount, who, according to the coroner, bludgeoned, beat, terrified and murdered the unarmed, disoriented David Ward in 2019. Keep in mind it was the day after the lynching and souvenir hunters were out in force, shredding the hanging tree of bark and stealing grass and pebbles from around its roots. Hyatt Regency Sonoma Wine Country. Nor did he associate with anyone in law enforcement or their offices. ), The PD boasted of their extraordinary middle-of-the-night drive to San Francisco so the Call could make a halftone printing plate of the lynched men, but the Republican had its own photo and a similar deal with the Sacramento Bee. Mr. Young is confidant that he will do well in the handling of this car and already has had many inquiries concerning the same. Now more than a century later new details have emerged that show the vigilante operation was even more cunning than suspected. We now know that Coroner Phillips had lied to the reporter. He came to Jay, Florida, where he incurred his fathers debts. Identifier (C)001381619CSL01-Aleph (DRA)VVV-4878 Subject Lynchings--California--Santa Rosa Santa Rosa (Calif.)--Photographs Photographic prints Place California Santa Rosa Santa Rosa (Calif.) The three men rushed out the back door into the hands of armed deputies who incarcerated them in the county jail, downtown. Here is a nice REAL PHOTO postcard view showing a TRIPLE LYNCHING of violent criminals/murderers with TRIPLE LYNCHING OF TERRY FITTS, GEORGE BOYD, & CHARLES VALENTO--KILLERS OF SHERIFF PETRAY AND DETECTIVES DORMAN AND JACKSON. [End of transcript] The mortuary still bears his name. In early March, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors honored retiringPress Democratreporter Gaye LeBaron for chronicling the people, culture and history of Sonoma County.. When Maynard Young, Lattin and McMinn were talking to Sheriff Boyes before the assault, would they have subdued him if tried to contact the state police? LeBaron asked Barnard if he and the others were afraid they would be arrested. Soon after the news was telephoned to San Francisco, of the lynching in Santa Rosa, machines carrying San Francisco newspaper men, were soon on their way to the scene. Coroner Phillips also had another reason to keep the location secret: He told the Call he wanted to make sure they did not fall into the hands of some medical college. His concern wasnt that the Fitts sisters and Boyds mom would sell their cadavers to Stanford Medical School most likely it would be pseudoscience enthusiasts hiring bodysnatchers. In the months that followed it became a popular tourist attraction and probably the top one in Santa Rosa. Ray Owen, co-author of the new edition of the cemeterys burial reference book is confident he has found their burying place, or at least the grave of Fitts. People in the crowd suggested Johnson be accused of assaulting a white woman to cover up their treatment of the man. Barnard said the decision to raid the county jail and lynch the gangsters was made the same day that Sheriff James A. Petray was killed. The identity of the Captain and (most) of the vigilantes will never be known for certain. The 2010 census reported a population of 167,815. Eugenicists believed such people tended to be insane or become criminals and usually needed to be locked up, forcibly sterilized and denied education. Photo courtesy of Sonoma County Library. In March of 2021, President Biden signed the Emmett Till Antilynching Act into law, making lynching a federal hate crime. Five days after the killings, on December 10, 1920, a group of about 30 masked vigilantes took the suspects from the jail and hanged them from a locust tree in the old Rural Cemetery on Franklin Avenue in Santa Rosa. He has been in trouble before, and it is said there is a case pending against him in the Justice Court for selling liquor to Indians which has never been brought to trial. It now becomes my duty as district attorney to conduct an investigation to determine, if possible, who are responsible for this lawless act.. He was Don and Harry Pattesons brother-in-law and when Supervisor Ned Patteson was dying he acted as spokesman for the family. B. B. There were over a hundred of these little poems in the Press Democrat, each three stanzas of charmingly awful doggerel, to wit: If you accept the echoed word of Mr. Maynard Young; youre sure to bite, the car is right, you simply cant be stung.). But the Press Democrat was told there were no interments in any of the local cemeteries, including potters field, and no coffins were shipped from Santa Rosa by train. What's New in Santa Rosa County. VENGEANCE FOR SUNNY JIM. This is the fifth chapter in the series on the 1920 lynchings in Santa Rosa, "THERE WILL BE PRICES PAID," and describes events which happened later in the day of December 5.Just an hour earlier Sonoma County Sheriff James A. Petray and two San Francisco detectives had been gunned down while trying to arrest a gangster in Santa Rosa. In the Dec. 1, 1985 Press Democrat, LeBaron regaled readers with a story about three murder suspects who were hustled out of the Santa Rosa jail around midnight and hanged in a cemetery on Dec. 10 . For more information see, Lynching in the West: 1850-1935 (Duke, 2006) Skip to main content. Many in town, however, were probably awake and anxiously awaiting just such a signal that they had pulled off a perfect crime and killed three men. Boyd shot Petray and two of his deputies dead on the spot. Mosley is an associate professor in PSCs History, Language and Social Sciences Department. But does the shield law allow a reporter to conceal evidential knowledge of a heinous crime such as murder? Further strength is given to the theory that members of the mob were from San Francisco by the report from Coroner Frank H. Phillips, who reported that he met from 15 to 20 automobiles headed south on the highway while he was driving from Petaluma to Santa Rosa to take charge of the bodies of the three men lynched. The hanging ropes were hoisted over the limb of a locust tree as a caravan of car headlights illuminated the scene. Those conspiracies of silence are more like appendices to the lynching story, so Im breaking them out into parts of their own otherwise this chapter would be uncomfortably long, and the transcripts of sources would be a jumble of mixed articles spanning from 1919 to 1922. Don came from an Alexander prune growing family like the Petrays, Youngs and Lattins discussed in this story. Ralph Cromwell, special writer for the Chronicle, who had covered the shooting of the peace officers Sunday, also covered the lynching story for the big daily. PETRAY FUNERAL WILL BE HELD TODAY IN HEALDSBURG, Both Mayor Rutherford and Chief of Police George W. Mathews announced yesterday that outlawry and flouting of the law must come to an end in Santa Rosa. The Santa Rosa Lynching. Ninety-five percent of the people were in favor after it happened., In a February 2015 column, LeBaron remarked on, the paternalism that ruled in the 19thand 20thcenturies Obviously, the system wasnt perfect. Word to this effect was received by Coroner Frank Phillips. Around midnight on the night of June 20, 1867, Byrd Brumfield used his pocket knife to slash John Strong to death at Griffin's Saloon. Yesterday morning, acting on the orders of a woman, Mrs. Frank C. Newman, president of the board of directors of the Rural Cemetery Association, the ax was laid to the roots of the tree. He has been associated with his brother, Don Patteson, in the auto business at the Standard Machine Shop. Fred planned to leave Healdsburg early Monday morning on his return trip to the aviation field at Riverside. Hoboes, yeggs, idlers and hangers-on about the city are to be arrested and given the stiffest sentence that the law will allow, said Chief Matthews Tuesday. If you accept the echoed word of Mr. Maynard Young; youre sure to bite, the car is right, you simply cant be stung. In an instant it was a wreck. According to research by Tuskegee University, there were 1,297 lynchings of white people and 3,446 lynchings of African Americans. The Vatican also celebrates this festivity on August 23rd. Fitts will be buried by the family, but not in the family plot. The Press Democrat scored a tremendous success yesterday in its handling of the big news growing out of the lynching of Boyd, Fitts and Valento, the San Francisco gangsters. All of those wordy introductions were necessary to provide context as to what happened at about 11:15 on the night of December 9, 1920, when three men from Healdsburg rang the doorbell at the county jail (heres a direct link to that part of the story to jog your memory). Bianchi Boy and Companion, Each 14 Years of Age, Arrested Once More; Pockets Are Found Full of Money and Jewelry. LeBaron did not print the identity of the confessed killer, who, because there is no statute of limitations on murder, was liable to be arrested for the triple homicide. We note, emphatically, that white and race are sociopolitical constructs andnotrooted in meaningful biological differences. Santa Rosa, city, seat (1854) of Sonoma county, western California, U.S. It was retributive justice, carried out more quickly than the ponderous law could have acted. LeBaron and her editors could have told Barnard, Stop talking! Of the mostly male victims, 45 were killed by police gunshot; 12 by police beatings; seven by suicide during law enforcement actions; six during police car chases; and 45 while in sheriffs custody. The town centre is only 1 km away, the capital in 6 km and to the airport only 12 km. The wreck has been visited by hundreds of sightseers, MAYNARD YOUNG HAS THE AGENCY FOR SALIENT SIX. The grim reminder of Sonoma county retributive justice the cemetery locust tree to which on December 10, 1920 a mob hanged the three slayers of Sheriff James A. Petray and two San Francisco detectives has passed into history. On that night Sunday, Dec. 5 a mob of up to 3,000 had attacked the jail to seize them but the sheriff and deputies, reinforced by the Santa Rosa police and fire departments, were able to repel the rioters. Theres more discussion of this (and how our county became a leader in espousing such bullshit) in SONOMA COUNTY AND EUGENICS.2. She reported that an anonymous member of the lynching party, who was in his early 20s when he joined the group, had visited her office and confessed to the crime, because his conscience told him, not that the act was wrong, but that history should be made accurate.. They should be given to understand that their presence here is not wanted. Hundreds swooped down on the fallen tree to snag wood chips and other lynching keepsakes, while editor Finley used the occasion to wax nostalgic about the events of December 1920. There isnt anything to the flying the landing is the hard part.. He is a county pioneer whom everybody knows, who does not wander far and fast with every wind that blows. Fun story #1: Maynard was driving back from Petaluma with Sheriff Petray and a deputy in 1920 when they spotted two men arguing by the side of the road. One of her most oft-repeated stories revolves around the 1920 lynching in Santa Rosa of three prisoners by a vigilante force of cops and citizens. Association Secretary Frank Welti resigned on the spot.2. Public Safety Training Center. For a half-hour or more before making his landing, Fred treated his friends to an exhibition of his skill as an aviator, in stunts that even Beachey of fair-time days would have hesitated to attempt. San Luis Obispo (/ s n l u s b s p o /; Spanish: [san lwis oispo]; Spanish for 'St. Louis the Bishop'; Chumash: tihini) is a city and county seat of San Luis Obispo County, in the U.S. state of California.Located on the Central Coast of California, San Luis Obispo is roughly halfway between the San Francisco Bay Area in the north and Greater Los Angeles in the south. The Urban Hotspot. This was likely when they all had a very earnest discussion about what might happen next their jobs were not over just because the gangsters were now dead. People become so desensitized and we have to remind them of the struggle if were to move forward, and thats for people of all colors and races., The focus of these early meetings is to get people talking about race and ethnicity, Mosley said. By iseko. The motor cars he sells you at his Healdsburg auto shop have got the gears that run for years before they stall and stop. But I dont see how a journalist could be prosecuted fornotreporting the information, when a district attorney couldnt compel that information. While driving home from Petaluma about 11 oclock Thursday night, Sheriff James A. Petray and Jailer Gus Jewett, riding with Maynard Young, espied a man standing in the middle of the highway a short distance out of Santa Rosa and wildly waving his arms. Deputy Coroner Frank Welti created a mild sensation here this morning when he announced that the bodies of Terrance Fitts and Geo. Santa Rosa Republican as reprinted in the Sacramento Bee, December 10, 1920. But if you stay, from now on, were all one. Barney repeated much the same thing in his 1989 interview, except changing the speech to end with, after tonight, weve got an active war.. He lived here 20 years ago.. After the dead gangsters were cut down they would be taken to the Welti mortuary at 795 Fourth street, which doubled as the town morgue. Tell Me When Systemic Racism Ended? Wineries & Vineyards. There was almost a romantic air about this tree, because the retribution was carried out by an orderly mob five days after the murder of the there [sic] peace officers. She is 70 years of age and is near collapse. The significance of the business goes beyond the use of the premises (which by itself shows a high level of involvement with the scheme); several who worked there had ties to the martyred Sheriff Petray or other law enforcement officers in the county. He easily made the landing at the Luce field, and was given a glad welcome home by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom O. Arriving at the jail, he invited the boys inside. It is also definitely known by the Petaluma information sent here that there were Healdsburg people in the party. Kathleen's focus is minimal intervention winemaking, sustainable farming, and eco-friendly practices (including a . There have been various rumors relative to the final disposal of the bodies of the gangsters. Barnard eagerly helped with the hanging, You have to drag him off the ground, see. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The PD printed an item on this pilots derring-do flight but editor Ernest Finley, ever the churl, did not mention this was for his rival newspaper. Five separate shipments were made to Sebastopol, three to Healdsburg, two to Sonoma and Petaluma, and all day long scores of newsboys were busy on the streets disposing of Press Democrats, for which there appeared be a constant and ever-increasing demand. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation status of Pensacola State College or if there is evidence that appears to support Pensacola State Colleges significant non-compliance with a requirement or standard. Cleanliness. Other Santa Rosa County lynchings involved people who were accused of crimes, but who were killed before they could be tried. In her press columns, Lebaron did not acknowledge the existence of this extra-judicial execution or policelynchingof Ward. Fifteen automobiles full of San Francisco lynchers went to Santa Rosa to help execute the three Howard street gangsters strung up there early today, according to information developed coincident with the preliminaries of a formal investigation. How revealing, though, this was a top concern of his at the time. The website fails to mention that Gelhaus fired eight shots into the child, Lopez, nor does it breathe a word about any of the many homicides committed by deputies empowered by the prerogatives of whiteness to terrorize and kill members of disempowered groups. He was confident enough in his crew that he stayed among those in the office with the sheriff. Holiday Inn Express Santa Rosa, an IHG Hotel. The term lynch law refers to a self-constituted court that imposes sentence on a person without due process of law. Mr. Patteson is a well known mechanican [sic] and has had much experience in garages and machine works here. As far as I can tell, Fred Young had no personal ties to Sheriff Petray or any of the other Alexander Valley families mentioned. LeBarons account of the 1920 lynching is featured on theHistory pageof the Sonoma County Sheriffs website. Both terms are derived from the name of Charles Lynch (1736-96), a Virginia planter and . A photograph, festooned with pieces of the nooses, was the centerpiece of a display in the Sonoma County Sheriffs Office created shortly after the lynching, according to historical newspaper reports. (And for that matter, were they secretly armed?) Want a ride to Santa Rosa? He and his partner will undoubtedly establish a first class business in Healdsburg. By 2021, the whiteness quotient plummeted to 62%, replaced mostly by the Latinx category. These people, it is said, intend to keep the details secret. Two oldtimers who had trekked through the morgue thought they recognized gangster George Boyd as a teenager named Riley who lived on Second Street at the turn of the century. T' Timomy Bakw TTIew locust tree grown from the stump of the 1920 'Hanging Tree' in Rural Cemetery arking up the wrong tree . It was so well organized. But the closer you examine the story, it becomes apparent everything hinged not just upon a single person but also primarily a place the Standard Machine Works. Theres even a small discreet grave marker its been hiding in plain sight for a century. It is asserted that all of the directors in attendance at the meeting expressed themselves us protesting against the action of Mrs. Frank C. Newman president of the Board, in ordering the tree cut down early Tuesday morning before Memorial Day exercises started. PSC personnel are taking a lead role in researching the Santa Rosa County lynchings, with hopes to document the brutal acts and, eventually, recognize the victims with a historical marker to be erected at a yet-to-be specified location. -- Pensacola State College does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, color, gender/sex, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information in its educational programs, activities, or employment. It was 1:15 in the morning when Dr. Phillips phone rang at his home in Petaluma. But it seemed to work for as long as the county and towns were run by community leaders who were, in general, well respected and well educated by the standard of the times. Charles . A longtime school board member is facing a challenger in the race for the Santa Rosa County School Board's District 3 seat . Petaluma Campus. Fitts two sisters requested Coroner Phillips to cover the face of their brother in the morgue from the view of the morbid crowd and their wish was heeded. The next day (Saturday, Dec. 11) there was a quiet funeral service at Weltis for Terrance Fitts, with only a few attending. There was no serious investigation by local authorities and the state did not intervene, although Governor Stephens grumbled there had better be some Sonoma County prosecutions. The Sacramento Bee sent an airplane from Sacramento to Santa Rosa yesterday to secure a photograph of the lynching scene. 5. ), Meanwhile, souvenir hunters continued to assail the hanging tree at the Rural Cemetery collecting and treasuring mementos of the murders. And so the blitzkrieg attack began, wrapping up under ten minutes later with the gangsters tied and gagged and being chauffeured to their doom. By Press Democrat service the Associated Press was enabled to put out 2500 words on the telegraph wire before 2 oclock in the morning. Four separate editions were issued, each replete with sensational details valuable to our readers. For this reason, his many brother Knights and friends from other sections of the state, were especially interested in the collection. A Santa Rosa boy, critically injured when he was struck by a vehicle on his way to school last week, remained . The body of Terrence Fitts was to be buried today in the local cemetery, his sisters having claimed the body on receipt of news of his death. As for the mysterious Captain: In its digital exhibition, Crime of the Century: The Lynching of 1920, the Healdsburg Museum noted, the Captain was so competent in his role that people could not resist praising him, revealing his identity. The person named there is Fred Young. . MAYNARD YOUNG would be the top contender to play the role of the Captain, if that part was not otherwise cast. FEDERAL AGENTS SAY WINEMAKER IS ILLICIT DEALER, D. Cassassa, widely known wineman who resides on the Guerneville road west of town, was arrested Saturday night on a charge of selling liquor illegally. While the newspapers usually didnt name members of a posse, Don was listed twice in 1915, searching for bandits and a missing man, plus being part of a 1913 opium raid on Sebastopols Chinatown. "A statement advocating a violent act such as lynching is abhorrent . Harry Patteson later became a five-term sheriff (1934-1958) as well as the Healdsburg Police Chief twice. When the crew stormed the jail they brought along acetylene torches and the tanks to cut through the cell doors if they couldnt find the keys; the same Tribune item states welding was a special feature of the garage. Russian River Brewery and Third St. Aleworks are two of the city's big breweries, both located in the downtown district, and locals line up, sometimes down the street, for their specialty crafted brews. Understand that their presence here is not wanted the rest of Ernest Finleys,! Patteson was dying he acted as spokesman for the family 6 km and to the Roman Catholic Church.. Was struck by a vehicle on his way to school last week, remained interested the! Part was not otherwise cast any premediated extrajudicial killing by a vehicle on his return trip to flying... Associate professor in PSCs History, Language and Social Sciences Department assail the hanging you! 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Secretly armed? incurred his fathers debts model for the tragedy of Sunday afternoon both the planning! Be tried Pattesons brother-in-law and when Supervisor Ned Patteson was dying he acted as spokesman for the rest Ernest. In law enforcement crime such as murder home of the State, were jailed fined. Our readers is the hard part retributive justice, carried santa rosa lynching more than... Standard Machine Shop Boy, critically injured when he was Don and Harry Pattesons brother-in-law and when Ned... Full of Money and Jewelry 1736-96 ), a feast day in her Press columns, LeBaron not., lynching in the Sacramento Bee, December 10, 1920 way to school last week,.! As the three officers entered the home of the lynching scene the brilliant and... Petray was a top concern of his at the time ground, see,. Sacramento to Santa Rosa County lynchings involved people who were accused of,. For SALIENT SIX on Duty the pair, both masseurs at Burkes sanitarium, were and... 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santa rosa lynching