hard and sharp as flint analysis

Marley really makes things clear for Scrooge. ". ", "Hard and sharp as a flint.solitary as an oyster. Analysis; Cold-hearted: According to Dickens's description, . Scrooge sat down upon a form, and wept to see his poor forgotten self as he used to be. Let it also be borne in mind that Scrooge had not bestowed one thought on Marley, since his last mention of his seven years dead partner that afternoon. `I wonder you dont go into Parliament., `Dont be angry, uncle. Scrooge was not much in the habit of cracking jokes, nor did he feel, in his heart, by any means waggish then. What reason have you to be merry? Foul weather didnt know where to have him. - Scrooge, create, study and share online flash cards, "Oh! The narrator sets Scrooge up as the quintessential sinner, the most miserable man in the whole city. Charles Dickens uses a number of comparisons (known as similes) to emphasize the characteristics of Ebenezer Scrooge early on in the novella, such as solitary as an oyster, and this one, hard and sharp as flint. Explain. a terrible sensation to which it had been a stranger from infancy, The sound resounded through the house like thunder, but I mean to say you might have got a hearse up that staircase, and taken it broadwise, with the splinter-bar towards the wall and the door towards the balustrades: and done it easy. By showing Marleys face among the faces of legends and saints from scripture, Dickens puts him in a saint-like position, showing Scrooge the light like a religious leader. He thinks he sees the dead Marley in his door knocker. Given that Scrooge is so stingy, sharp, and antisocial, the reader does not have much sympathy for him at this point. The water-plug being left in solitude, its overflowing sullenly congealed, and turned to misanthropic ice. Why doesn't Scrooge like Christmas in A Christmas Carol? His stash of money could afford him a rich, luxurious Christmas but he avoids these traditions. Why show me this, if I am past all hope! For the first time, the hand appeared to shake. Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks, `My dear Scrooge, how are you? School Memberships, 2023 OwlEyes.org, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *(Many, Nobody)* is predicting rain for tomorrow. In Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge is presented as a miserly old man, who is a social outcast and is quite happy to be one, at least in the beginning. The most famous simile inA Christmas Carol (and arguably one of the most famous similes in literature overall)appears on the very first page: The narrator repeats this line in the next paragraph to emphasize that Marley is, indeed, dead. "A merrier Christmas, Bob, my good fellow, than I have given you for many a year! I am as giddy as a drunken man. Scrooge refusing to give any coal to Bob, and Bob subsequently having "failed" to "warm himself at the candle" reflects the harmful impact that the miserly attitudes of men like scrooge have on society as portrayed by dickens, suggesting that if those more fortunate, like scrooge, refuse to give any goodwill, generosity or support to those less fortunate, like bob, they will surely perish and be unable to survive under what little goodwill, generosity and support they have in society, as symbolized by Bob being unable to warm himself at the very small fire of the "candle". Second, he is uncharitable as shown by his inability to give something warm (the generous fire). PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Scrooge was his sole executor, his sole administrator, his sole assign, his sole residuary legatee, his sole friend, and sole mourner. Humbug! but stopped at the first syllable, A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being a Ghost-Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas. for Scrooge kept the coal-box in his own room; and so surely as the clerk came in with the shovel, the master predicted that it would be necessary for them to part. Scrooge fell upon his knees, and clasped his hands before his face. He even turns down his own nephew who comes to see him and invite him to his house for a Christmas meal. Mind! 16, no GCSES, no other qualifications, is there anything left for me? `How it is that I appear before you in a shape that you can see, I may not tell. Hard and sharp as flint Shows Scrooge's inability to harness any other views that arent his. However, the simile is most commonly identified as belonging to A Christmas Carol. Though Fred is poor (though not as poor as Cratchit), his attire is colorful and he is generous and sociable with his Christmas provisions. But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! However, at the end of the tale in Stave 5, Scrooge employs a string of similes to celebrate his return to the present: I am light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a school-boy. Current Year 10 Official Thread (2022-2023). Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire; secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster. "no beggars implored him to bestow a trifle, no children asked him what it was o'clock". This makes me think that Scrooge would have very sharp features, a pointy nose and always has a scowl on his face. The exclamation mark in "Oh! The mention of the poor needing help at Christmas refers to the harsh weather which can be deadly for those in need. It is extremely hard, and was used in the manufacture of tools during the Stone Age as it splits into thin, sharp splinters (used for such purposes as arrowheads). Whether these creatures faded into mist, or mist enshrouded them, he could not tell. Becoming immediately sensible of the impropriety, he poked the fire, and extinguished the last frail spark for ever. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Scrooge never painted out Old Marleys name. Label each adjective clause adj. His business partner, the equally mean Jacob Marley, died seven years previous and he lives alone, having never married. What is the theme of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens? His only concern is the amount of money he can make for himself. Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had struck out generous fire; secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster. No wind that blew was bitterer than he, no falling snow was more intent upon its purpose, no pelting rain less open to entreaty. The misery with them all was, clearly, that they sought to interfere, for good, in human matters, and had lost the power for ever. Perhaps this is why Dickens chose to compare Marley to a doornaila flattened doornail and a corpse are both fairly useless, with little to no chance of serving a purpose ever again. It was long, and wound about him like a tail; and it was made (for Scrooge observed it closely) of cash-boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds, and heavy purses wrought in steel. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. such was I! Not to know that no space of regret can make amends for one lifes opportunity misused! "To say that he was not startled, or that his blood was not conscious of a terrible sensation to which it had been a stranger from infancy, would be untrue.". In this way Dickens makes Scrooge's own coming punishment loom extremely large. The simile first appeared in Shakespeare's Henry IV. A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being a Ghost-Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas Carol. eNotes Editorial, 17 Oct. 2017, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/which-quotes-suggest-that-scrooge-is-presented-as-568005. Leading up to this moment it appears as if Scrooge already fears that this is the case, but that does not detract from the tension that Charles Dickens can create here. Cratchit, despite his poverty, celebrates Christmas with a childlike ritual of sliding down a hill with the street boys. The narrator describes Ebenezer Scrooge using imagery of a grindstone sharpening a tool. "I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a school-boy. The truth is, that he tried to be smart, as a means of distracting his own attention, and keeping down his terror; for the spectres voice disturbed. Through a visit one Christmas Eve by the ghost of Marley and three subsequent spirits, Scrooge is awakened to his meanness and the impact it has on others. The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose, shrivelled his cheek, stiffened his gait; made his eyes red, his thin lips blue; and spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice, He carried his own low temperature always about with him. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Finally, he is not only isolated from others, but he also keeps to himself in his own world, contained within his own shell. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Write the kind of sentence in the blank using these abbreviations: dec. (declarative), imp. The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his. If you like this, we think you might also be interested in these related quotations. To see the dingy cloud come drooping down, obscuring everything, one might have thought that Nature lived hard by, and was brewing on a large scale. Marley's questions and Scrooge's answers about the senses are important. He is smug and condescending about the poor, and refuses to listen to the gentlemens reasoning. Scrooge refuses to believe in Marley, just as he refuses to believe in Christmas. International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct,London, EC1A 2BN, United Kingdom, 2023 Book Analysis. Complete the following sentences by writing appropriate titles on the line provided. Last weekend, I read $\underline{\color{#c34632}\text{To Build a Fire}}$ . This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I am going to relate. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. the other rooms being all let out as offices. Scrooge doesn't live by his senses in any aspect of his life. It is through your support of visiting Book Analysis that we can support charities, such as Teenage Cancer Trust. What reason have you to be morose? Through Scrooges transformation in this allegorical tale, we also see his attitude to using fuel change. "Which quotes suggest that Scrooge is presented as an "outsider" or a "social outcast" in A Christmas Carol?" Cite this Quote Flint and oysters are not very palatable things to be compared to. science pearson edexcel end of unit test higher. It was with great astonishment, and with a strange, inexplicable dread, that as he looked, he saw this bell begin to swing. As Marley's ghost's arrival approaches, dickens portrays Scrooge's tough, cold exterior as breaking down and him beginning to become ready to change and for his redemption, reverting back to a mouldable, childlike state of "infancy". Its the only way to make a boy sharp, sir. But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grind- stone, Scrooge! This might seem like a small detail, but regardless of whether or not the reader consciously juxtaposes these similes, they underscore Scrooge's transformation and provide evidence of a true change of heart. He prefers his own miserable company to that of anyone else. Through Scrooge's words, Dickens attacks the Malthusian economic theory of the Victorian era (which stated that the poor will eventually die due to overpopulation and a lack of food to feed everyone) that they reflect, and through Scrooge's redemption and development away from such beliefs throughout the play, Dickens suggests that the values of the Christmas spirit which he adopts are the correct path for society towards prosperity. Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire; secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster. This suggests his ability to hurt others. If each smooth tile had been a blank at first, with power to shape some picture on its surface from the disjointed fragments of his thoughts, there would have been a copy of old Marleys head on every one. Scrooge, however, aggressively fights it off. In each of the following sentences, underline the correct indefinite pronoun in parentheses. Flint and oysters are not very palatable things to be compared to. clause and each adverb clause adv. **Example 1**. As Scrooge begs forgiveness from the ghost of Christmas yet to come, he makes it clear the he shall embrace the Christmas spirit and its values ("honour Christmas in my heart") and try and keep its values such as generosity, goodwill and sociability all year round ("try to keep it all the year."). The exclamation mark drawsthe readersattention to the description that follows, alist of adjectives to emphasise how awful he is. He keeps his office cold, not even heating it at Christmas time. Once upon a time -- of all the good days in the year, on Christmas Eve -- old Scrooge sat busy in his counting-house. Introduction to analysis Analysis is an important. To say that Scrooge could be made neither warm nor cold by any outside influence again paints him as an outcast. How could it be otherwise? The happiness he gives is quite as great as if it costs a fortune. Poulterers and grocers trades became a splendid joke; a glorious pageant, with which it was next to impossible to believe that such dull principles as bargain and sale had anything to do. Scrooge keeps the fuel in his own room, frightening Cratchit into wearing extra clothing and trying to warm himself by a candle. Scrooge, as the chief mourner, does not seem to have much sympathy for Old Marley. the weight and length of the strong coil you bear yourself? The protagonist of A Christmas Carol, Scrooge is a cold-hearted and mean-spirited accountant. Much good may it do you! (including. "He was so fluttered and so glowing with his good intentions, that his broken voice would scarcely answer his call.". `What do you want with me?. Instant PDF downloads. I have sat invisible beside you many and many a day., Couldnt I take `em all at once, and have it over, Jacob? hinted Scrooge. Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire; secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster." It contrasts sharply with the narrator's initial description, as these positive similes differ greatlyfrom ones like "as hard and sharp as flint" or "solitary as an oyster." Marley is a figure of both terror and kindness it will become clear that instead of wanting revenge on Scrooge, he has come to protect him. "No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him." BEFORE CHANGE Dickens uses pathetic fallacy to represent Scrooge's nature. The adjectives squeezing and wrenching, etc., relate to how one should imagine him with money, refusing to let go of his wealth. He has the power to render us happy or unhappy; to make our service light or burdensome; a pleasure or a toil. `You dont mean that, I am sure?, `I do, said Scrooge. -- apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin. This almost prompts a realization in Scrooge as he catches on to the fact that his wealth provides him (and indeed Fezziwig) with the power to make people happy. Describe the two children who emerge from the second spirit's robe in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. `Christmas a humbug, uncle! said Scrooges nephew. This is evident in his early relationship with his nephew Fred. I should like to give him something: that's all.". This then gives you an idea of what Scrooge looks like. It is extremely hard, and was used in the manufacture of tools during the Stone Age as it splits into thin, sharp splinters (used for such purposes as arrowheads). From this exchange, it sounds like Marley was at least somewhat generous. and youll keep your Christmas by losing your situation! 2023 ** Borders and Enforcement, Crime & Compliance - ICE - Immigration Officers, Oxford Postgraduates: MSc Energy Systems 2023. Join for Free Why did I walk through crowds of fellow-beings with my eyes turned down. View further examples of the literary technique of. Christmas Carol - Generosity Quotes. What to expect as an older masters student? Hes comparing Cratchits actual body temperature to Scrooges personality. Be here all the earlier next morning. `The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then? said Scrooge. Though his nephew tries to convince him to join his family, Scrooge replies, "Nephew, keep Christmas in your own way, and let me keep it in mine!" The view of Scrooge's house shows how his love of money is so absolute that he is cheap even with himself, denying himself even the basics, such as light or food better than gruel. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. A doornail was a kind of nail or stud that was often used in Dickens's time tobothaesthetically adornandreinforce a door. And yet the way he denies the truth with joke-making, shows his fear. The chain he drew was clasped about his middle. But in Dickens's era, it was customary to hammer doornails into doors in such a way that made them useless for anything else. Instead of being a crotchety old man, he feels like a schoolboy. (exclamatory).\ -Graham S. Scrooge sees "good" as referring solely to profits. Scrooge is described as "solitary as an oyster". Hot and Cold Extensive imagery describes Scrooge as cold because of his cold heart; in contrast, his nephew is described as warm because he is merry and loving. Note the use of the adjective poor to describe Bob Cratchit. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. 'hard and sharp as flint' A Christmas Carol Stave 1 A roxy123456789 "Hard and sharp as flint" flint shows that Scrooge is better when not provoked. Flint is a naturally occurring stone which when broken ("napped") reveals an interior composed of an extremely hard, glass like material which was formerly used ( in the stone age) to make knives, axes and arrow heads (when struck with another stone the resulting flakes have a naturally razor sharp edge). A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner! `What right have you to be dismal? If one is completely dead to the world, living absolutely with the goal to engage with it as little as possible, one certainly becomes an outsiderby choice! Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! - Narrator. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. In the present, Scrooge witnesses scenes of fires at Christmas time that bring happiness, many associated with the theme of eating food at this festive time, such as the brightness of the roaring fires in kitchens, parlours, and all sorts of rooms, was wonderful and the flickering of the blaze showed preparations for a cosy dinner, He sees scenes associated with the coming together of family at this time of year, such as that of a miner and his family who are a cheerful company assembled round a glowing fire. (Dickens 6). These include Scrooges cold nature, the power of wealth, and loss. Scrooge is characterized as miserable and harmful to society in his attitudes here, as suggested by the dismissive connotations of "humbug!" Though he looked the phantom through and through, though he felt the chilling influence of its death-cold eyes, `How now! said Scrooge, caustic and cold as ever. His most famous saying is bah humbug. He used it as an exclamation when he wanted to express his displeasure about something. Fuel in his early relationship with his nephew Fred his stash of money could afford him a rich luxurious! Used to be, EC1A 2BN, United Kingdom, 2023 Book.... Are not very palatable things to be requires a free LitCharts account see him invite... Can be deadly for those in need he even turns down his own,... Through your support of hard and sharp as flint analysis Book analysis happiness he gives is quite as as... He looked the phantom through and through, though he looked the phantom and. 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hard and sharp as flint analysis