types of government expenditure control

The authorization for expenditure is usually given through the budget law which defines the time horizon for, limits on,5 purpose of, and administrative unit accountable for government expenditure (Box 1).6 To deal with unanticipated spending pressures, some flexibility in the allocation of expenditure between sectors may be allowed subject to clear rules/criteria (e.g., through virements and/or allocation from a contingency reserve). Options for strengthening the expenditure control framework. In the German-Austrian tradition,35 as in Francophone and Lusophone systems, there is a clear division between the roles of ordering or anordnend (which covers the apportionment of the budget, together with the reservation, commitment, verification and payment order stages) and executing or ausfuehrend (which covers the execution of payments). This is especially true for expenditure on multi-annual investment projects (see Section III for multi-year expenditure limits on commitments). Examples of this include lowering taxes and raising government spending. Therefore, entering into a commitment or incurring a liability in excess of the limit would not, in the absence of other controls, constitute a breach of law. Budget calendar revisedand, if necessary, legal framework amendedto ensure budget approval before the start of the fiscal year. The objective of expenditure control is to ensure that public resources are spent as intended, within authorized limits, and following sound financial management principles. Most countries adopt annual budgets authorizing spending for one year; however, some countries authorize multi-year limits for certain types of expenditure (e.g., autorisation dengagement for multi-year investment projects in Francesee Box 3). Elementary and secondary education, utilities, public safety, health, roads, street lamps, signs, and traffic lights are the main areas of expenditure of the local governments. The hurdles were based on the following indicators of performance by the line agencies: (i) budget planning; (ii) output costing; (iii) financial and performance reporting; (iv) financial control arrangements; (v) procurement management; (vi) asset management; and (vii) internal audit. The payment stage, however, is executed by a separate centralized agency (with regional branches)called cash offices in Germany and the Federal Accounting Agency in Austriawhich processes and keeps records of all payments and is in charge of accounting and preparation of financial reports. Verification of goods and services (contrle du service fait): This control involves: (i) verification of the goods and/or services delivered by a supplier to ensure that these conform to the specified quality and quantity; and (ii) a calculation of the liability incurred by the government to the supplier. These regulations, among other things, prescribe the establishment of responsibility for financial decisions, the segregation of duties to ensure appropriate checks and balances, and documentation procedures for maintaining a defined audit trail. The key questions to be asked are: (i) whether there are clear laws and financial regulations regarding the controls and the authority and responsibility of relevant actors who should apply them; and (ii) whether the relevant actors understand and apply them in practice. Lack of adequate control over government expenditure remains a problem in many countries. In case of relatively simple requirements, a spreadsheet-based application may suffice. Where the two are not routinely or automatically reconciled, special surveys may be required to identify ghost workers and remove them from the payroll. A fundamental principle of public finance is that expenditure and revenue proposals must be legally authorized to ensure accountability. Verification (or certification). Advertisement. 7. For other expenditure items, the devolution is based on the assessed effectiveness (through formal capacity audits) of the internal control system of the line agency and its risk management capacity. A commitment occurs when a formal action, such as placing an order or awarding a contract, is taken that renders the government liable to pay at sometime in the future when the order or contract is honored by its counterpart. When looking to strengthen expenditure control, it is therefore important to review the whole expenditure cycle/process instead of focusing on a few stages.36 However, based on experience in different groups of countries, it is possible to identify a set of problems that characterize different expenditure control traditions: British Commonwealth. PFM Traditions Influencing the Expenditure Control Framework, Tradition in the former Soviet Union countries, V. Identifying Weaknesses in the Expenditure Control Systems, Weaknesses of different expenditure control systems, Diagnosing weaknesses in a particular country, Specific measures to address expenditure control weaknesses, Monitoring reform progress and managing the change, http://www.issai.org/media/13329/intosai_gov_9100_e.pdf, Prevention and Management of Government Arrears, Conceptual Design: A Critical Element of a Successful Government Financial Management Information System Project, Implementing Accrual Accounting in the Public Sector, Unorthodox Expenditure Procedures in CEMAC and WAEMU Countries, Liberia: Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Assessment, Republic of Mozambique: Technical Assistance Report on Regaining Control Over Budget Execution, 19 A Comparison Between Two Public Expenditure Management Systems in Africa, North Macedonia: Technical Assistance Report - Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Performance Assessment, Republic of Mozambique: Strategy for Restoring the Expenditure Chain and Improving Financial Programming, Mauritius: Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Assessment, Niger: Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Assessment, Public Financial Management Systems - Indonesia: Key Elements from a Financial Management Perspective, Governance Brief No. This plan indicates the funds required for operations, typically on a quarterly or monthly basis. Arrears are the expenditures at the verification stage that have not been paid by the due date of payment specified either in specific contracts or procurement legislation or assumed under general commercial terms.12. Exceptional procedures eliminated by streamlining the control framework and business processes to address priority needs. Expenditures authorized through standing/ permanent legislations are forecast and included in the budget documents. Expenditure not appropriated/authorized by the start of fiscal year. To help PFM practitioners evaluate a countrys budget execution system and identify priorities for strengthening expenditure controls, this TNM: explains the key stages of the government expenditure chain (Section II); describes the (i) types of controls applied at each stage of the chain, their objectives, and key features; (ii) nature of expenditure limits in cash-based, commitment-based and accrual-based budgeting environments; (iii) centralized vs. decentralized approach to the exercise of those controls; and (iv) authority and responsibility of various institutional actors throughout the expenditure cycle (Section III); examines the influence of different administrative traditions on types of expenditure controls exercised and the allocation of responsibility for their application (Section IV); identifies the typical weaknesses and problems associated with different expenditure control traditions (Section V); and. They are also reconciled with bank statements. When sequestering appropriations, ongoing commitments should be taken into account. In most cases, funds can be moved quite freely between sub-programs and items within the year. Approaches to prioritising expenditure where there are competing demands for funding. The authority for expenditure is given for a specific pre-defined purpose. The nature of the expenditure limit enforced at each stage depends on the accounting basis used in the budget appropriation framework.19 Specifically: Cash-based budgeting systems primarily enforce a limit on the accumulation and liquidation of cash obligations incurred during the budget year. No verification/certification system (i.e., payment orders issued without verification). These are (i) appropriation control; (ii) commitment control; (iii) aggregate cash control; (iv) control of regularity; (v) accounting control; and (vi) other specific controls. However, even in such cases and in line with the principles of budget comprehensiveness, transparency, and accountability, such expenditures should be included in the budget documentation, and subjected to the same regularity controls discussed in Section III (see Table 1). Issuance of payment orders is integrated with a well established cash plan that is updated regularly with inputs from spending and revenue agencies. describes the (i) types of controls applied at each stage of the chain, their objectives, and key features; (ii) nature of expenditure limits in cash-based, commitment-based and accrual-based budgeting environments; (iii) centralized vs. decentralized approach to the exercise of those controls; and (iv) authority and responsibility of various Budget cover (against the relevant appropriation) is checked after deducting all expenditures previously approved. Box 4 provides a few examples. The payment-authorizing officer, called the Ordonnateur, is separate from the financial controller. Allen, R., and others, 2015, The Evolving Functions and Organization of Finance Ministries, Working Paper WP/15/232 (Washington: International Monetary Fund). There is potential scope for over commitments and/or manipulation of in-year data on commitments which may not be systematically recorded/tracked in a timely manner at the respective stage of the expenditure cycle.39, Scandinavian. British Commonwealth, Scandinavian, and German-Austrian, Francophone, Lusophone, and Latin American. Under a dual accrual and cash budgeting/appropriations framework, there is a need for each agency to make projections of both its anticipated cash requirements as well as incurrence of expenses and liabilities and accumulation/realization of long-term obligations and contingent liabilities. An estimate of obligation to pay should be made for non-contractual items and treated as a commitment. Non-contractual commitments (subsidies, transfers, etc.) Limit on amount of expenditure. The expenditure must occur within the time limits applicable to the expenditure authorization. What are the main areas of expenditure for local government? This authority to spend is released to the spending units through the issue of warrants/allotments/dcret de rpartition, or other mechanisms.9 Some form of centralized control during this phase of the expenditure cycle is common in almost all countries and is usually enforced by the budget department of the ministry of finance. In countries of the British Commonwealth tradition, officials in spending agencies are charged with initiating and authorizing expenditure transactions, from commitment to payment, based on apportionments/allotments/warrants issued by the ministry of finance. Total revenue including grants . Although the governmental budget is primarily concerned with fiscal policy (defining what resources it will raise and what it will spend), the government also has a number of tools that it can use to affect the economy through monetary control. weak expenditure controls are also associated with a lack of budget credibility as measured by PEFA indicator PI-1 (Figure 3). Environmental Conservation and Protection, Ethiopia, The Federal Democratic Republic of, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People's Republic of China, Macao Special Administrative Region, People's Republic of China, Selected Legal and Institutional Papers Series, Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions, The Evolving Functions and Organization of Finance Ministries. The nature of those expenditure limits depends on the accounting basis (cash, commitment, or accrual) used in the budget (see Section III). Current spending They are for the short term and include expenditure on wages and raw materials. In the US, public spending as a share of GDP was 10.5% in 1941, then went up to 44.1% in 1945, and then went back down to 12.2% in 1948. In some countries, ministries of finance regard expenditure as having taken place when funds are transferred from the ministry of finance or treasury bank accounts to the line ministries (or first-tier spending units). Administrative unit accountable for expenditure. Where centralized payment and/or payroll systems exist, they may also be responsible for authorizing payment orders and/or making payments. Control of procurement: Significant public spending takes place through the public procurement system. For 2023, proposed government spending is GH205 431 million (25.6% of GDP), 53.5% more than the previous year. Payment and verification (in case of accrual accounting) stages. The scope for establishing such advanced systems, however, remains challenging in many developing countries. The descriptions of the various traditions provided below are broad and general, and in practice, there are variations among the countries belonging to each tradition. Spending units may have bank accounts which are a subsidiary of the TSA; such accounts could be zero-balance accounts with commercial banks, with money transferred into them as the payments are approved, and with their balances swept daily into the TSAs top account for cash consolidation. Commitment. No apportionment (or in-year release of spending authority) mechanism. Strengthening expenditure control in a particular country can, therefore, sometimes require difficult judgments about whether to reinforce traditional administrative arrangements or seek to modernize them. They can be more easily circumvented, presenting the potential for error or fraud. Sweden has a separate debt management agency which also administers the TSA system. Commitment approval is linked to (and cancels) the respective reserved amount. The line ministries have substantial authority in executing the budget. In some Latin American countries, e.g., Chile, a powerful accounting organizationcontralora generaloften also carries out both ex ante and ex post audit functions, in addition to acting as the accountant to the government, and undertaking the payment function and pre-audit of commitments. Show answer Answer A public sector spending on goods and services like education or healthcare. This devolution/decentralization of financial and expenditure control should be gradual and based on predefined competency criteria for line ministries/agencies who should demonstrate that they can operate with higher levels of delegated authority. Key strengths: separation of responsibility for key control tasks; tracking key stages of expenditure cycle; and centralized repository of expenditure data; Key challenges: frequent and redundant controls make the expenditure process slow (and encourage proliferation of special procedures); interference by central agencies may undermine responsibilities of line managers; and possible manipulation of the complementary period. In the British Commonwealth system, there is no complementary period, and at the beginning of a new fiscal year, in principle, no cash transactions pertaining to the previous years budget should take place. Some countries PFM systems may not formally track all the seven stages (see discussion in page 9). Shorter check validity period to minimize check float; monitoring of check floats and delay in electronic transfers. If an FMIS is envisaged, its configuration and rollout should explicitly be linked to planned expenditure control reforms. These valuations measure the full costs of paying pension benefits. Khan, A., and M. Pessoa, 2010, Conceptual Design: A Critical Element of a Government Financial Management Information System Project, Technical Notes and Manuals (Washington: International Monetary Fund). Funds/cash not available in government bank accounts to implement the payment order. These include appropriation control, commitment control, and accounting control. Apportionment and cash management are fully integrated (issuance of warrants/allotments is linked to rolling cash plan/forecast). Sometimes called the Westminster system of PFM. Much of the government's spending is a form of income or wealth redistribution, which is aimed at benefiting society as a whole. It is a statement of the estimated receipts and expenditure of the Government in a financial year (which begins on 01 April of the current year and ends on 31 March of the following year). Excessive number of redundant controls leads to payment delays,37 arrears, and proliferation of exceptional procedures that bypass the normal expenditure control framework. It forms aggregate demand in addition to household consumption, business investment, and net exports. When the float of unpaid checks is significant, payments should also be reported on the basis of checks encashed/paid. An appropriation is defined as a sub-division of a government budget established for accountability purposes, which shows the amounts legally authorized to be spent for specific purposes in a specific time period. Delivery date is captured and time lag between delivery and verification monitored. Each request for apportionment or reapportionment should be accompanied by a financial or cash plan from the relevant ministry or spending agency supporting the request for ensuring that apportionment and cash management functions are well integrated.10. Lienert, I., and F. Sarraf, 2001, Systemic Weaknesses of Budget Management in Anglophone Africa, Working Paper WP/01/211, (Washington: International Monetary Fund). For this purpose, the spending units were grouped into two categories and the devolution of financial and expenditure control started with the best-performing line agencies at the superior level. In some countries, it may conduct its own pre-payment audits prior to executing payments. Moussa, Y., 2004, Public Expenditure Management in Francophone Africa: A Cross-Country Analysis, Working Paper WP/04/42, (Washington: International Monetary Fund). discusses specific measures for strengthening expenditure controls and addressing weaknesses in countries at different levels of administrative capacity (Section VI). Three of the seven stages (commitment, verification, and payment) involve a third party (a creditor, supplier, beneficiary, etc.) In many countries each appropriation is the subject of a separate vote by the legislature. Ministry of Budget and Public Accounts, 2009, Rfrentiel de comptabilit budgtaire, (France). The issuance of payment orders and checks may be decentralizedwith spending ministries carrying out these tasks and reporting back to the centeror centralized in a treasury department, typically called the accountant general's department within the ministry of finance, which acts both as paymaster and prepares the final accounts of the government. 1. Similarly, the procedure of using an imprest (dpenses par rgies davance), which does not follow all the control stages and should be used only for urgent minor expenditures, is sometimes used to speed up the expenditure process. Some types of budget appropriationsdebt service, for examplemay not be subject to a strict spending limit and may be revised according to developments in interest rates and exchange rates. A distinction can be made between the treatment of high value and risk-prone transactions vis--vis low value transactions. This requires that personnel database (where personnel information files are kept) and payroll records be linked, regularly updated, and reconciled. It is, therefore, necessary to distinguish between such final payments by spending units and the apportionment of spending authorization to them, including the associated transfer of funds. Payment orders are issued after documentary proof of verification. Accrual-based budgeting systems enforce limits on the incurrence of liabilities, expenses or expenditure even when no immediate cash transactions are involved. While expenditure control frameworks differ greatly from country to country, it is nonetheless possible to define, in a generic sense: the key stages of the budget execution cycle; the specific control objectives at each of these stages; and. Defence Services: They account for nearly 20% of the total revenue expenditure of the Central Government in India. Pattanayak, S., and I. Fainboim, 2011, Treasury Single Account: An Essential Tool for Government Cash Management, Technical Notes and Manuals (Washington: International Monetary Fund). Clarity of the legal and regulatory framework, including the roles of the key actors. PEFA PI-27; and value of check float (or float of electronic transfer instructions) as a percentage of total value of checks (or electronic transfer instructions) issued. Francophone and Lusophone. fiscal policy. In addition, the approach did not stipulate any time frame for agencies to upgrade their PFM standards, and there was an underestimation of their capacity-building needs. It seeks to verify: (i) the existence of budget cover or space within the authorized limits; and (ii) that the payment is being made to extinguish the liability to a real creditor and for a claim that was not paid earlier. Types of Control, Their Key Features and Objectives. Commitment control is not comprehensive, i.e., it focuses only on commitments likely to materialize during the year. Ideally, the FMIS should have, in addition to the usual transaction processing function, a consolidation feature or module that receives periodic data from relevant entities, carries out consolidation of data in accordance with relevant standards, and generates required management reports for control purposes. This should be supported by adequate monitoring at each stage of the expenditure cycle and ex post auditparticularly external audit to start withto ensure effective compliance. Effective expenditure control is the sine qua non of good public financial management (PFM). New commitments are authorized after ascertaining uncommitted balance within the authorized expenditure limit. In fact, with the functionalities available from a modern IT-based FMIS, information on budget execution can be made quickly available, and it becomes straightforward for the ministry of finance/treasury to track expenditure transactions as they pass through the various stages of the expenditure cycle, even when transactions are fully administered within line agencies. The line agencies have responsibility for executing their budget and managing the funds/ resources assigned to them. The allocation of responsibility to various actors in the exercise of expenditure controls is heavily influenced by their respective administrative traditions of PFM and level of development. There has been a proliferation of special procedures in a number of countries (particularly in Africa) that are designed for the benefit of powerful vested interests (who want a faster spending process for specific transactions, closer tracking of certain resources, and/or the accommodation of special institutional interests/arrangements). In both centralized and decentralized systems, there should be regular bank reconciliation of transactions27 and reporting of expenditure against authorized allocations by spending agencies. Verifies the legal and administrative compliance to ensure that the expenditure operation and related documents/contracts follow the procedure, prescribed in the law and/or financial regulations. This will be dependent on sustained improvements in financial management standards and management information, and assurance of a control-conscious culture in each agency. Spending units enter into commitments only against unencumbered spending authority and the cash plan covers the expected payment profiles of commitments. For further background information and discussion on specific features of commitment control, see D. Radev and P. Khemani (2009). This includes countries where the ministry of finance assigns a financial controller or a budget offcer to each line ministry in order to control expenditure commitments. This information is then used for preparing the baseline estimates of the detailed medium-term budget forecast. Georgia Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Performance Assessment Report: City of Batumi. Capital spending They are for the long term and do not need to be renewed each year. This control can also apply to the wages/personnel expenditure in the sense that a designated official (e.g., the head of the division/department) certifies that the respective staff have performed their duty during the time period for which wages are to be paid. The main heads of Central Government's revenue expenditure are: (i) Defence Services, (ii) Development Services, ADVERTISEMENTS: (iii) Administrative Services, (iv) Debt Services, and (v) Assistance to States. Reforms could usefully be implemented in phases as follows: In the first phase, the focus should be on establishing basic control functions such as centralized control of apportionments and simplified/streamlined but effective controls42 at other stages of the expenditure cycle, particularly commitment control backed by cash planning43 linked to timely release of funds to spending agencies. A lack of effective expenditure controls not only threatens macroeconomic stability and fiscal discipline, but can also call into question the integrity of the public financial management system and undermine trust in a governments stewardship of public resources. 2. Governments expenditure must be within the amounts that the budget appropriations have established, with some flexibility allowed through virements and contingency reserve mechanisms. While the answer to this question will depend on specific country context and weaknesses, in general caution should be exercised in the devolution of controls in countries that are at the initial stage of development of PFM systems (e.g., fragile states), or with weak capacity at line agencies to implement the required controls, and/or without strong institutions of ex post oversight (internal and external audit). Then used for preparing the baseline estimates of the key actors it may its... 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types of government expenditure control