vague sentence brainly

The symptoms of pancreatic cancer can be quite vague. The Scots, on the other hand, were resolved not to allow of, the introduction of usages which had not prevailed in earlier times, and to keep the tie as vague and loose as possible. There, beyond the Great Wall, a large but scattered population of native Christians had found a refuge from the persecutions of KiaKing, to be united half a century later in a vast but vague apostolic vicariate. Apart from the details of his socialistic teaching, which are vague and unsystematic, we find that the ideas of Saint-Simon as to the reconstruction of society are very simple. In other words, vague pronouns can cause confusion as they do not refer to a specific noun in the sentence. Formerly a great inlet with vague borders of lagoons and marshes, the Fenland has been reclaimed partly by natural processes, partly by engineering works patiently continued for centuries. Its wide collar and lapel has a vague 1970s look while the rest of the coat is strikingly modern. Vague comments prevent other guys from getting to know you. In other words, the somewhat vague sense of spiritual power and impressiveness hardened into the conception of sacred books united in a sacred volume. The pain is often associated with a vague deep ache in the limb, sometimes mild tingling, but rarely numbness or weakness. So, too, the vague and sentimental socialism which pervades Munera Pulveris, Time and Tide and Fors is now very much in the air, and represents the aspirations of many energetic reformers. Maria worked with Josie to complete the project until she had to go home. Simply teaching autistic children about friendships is too vague. There have been recently no discoveries to rival in novelty those which followed the exploration of the bonecaves and drift-gravels, and which effected an instant revolution in all accepted theories of man's antiquity, substituting for a chronology of centuries a vague computation of hundreds of thousands of years. According to the tradition, which Herodotus quotes sceptically, this was accomplished; but the story is too vague to be accepted as more than a possibility. I emailed the wright foundation and asked who taught on the Obesity course and got a rather vague reply that they were experts ! At the lowest level we have vague movements of large groups of muscles, as in "bier-divination," where the murderer or his residence is inferred from the actions of the bearers; of a similar character but combined with more specialized action are many kinds of witch seeking. It seems most probable, therefore, that the name Cassiterides represents the first vague knowledge of the Greeks that tin was found overseas somewhere in or off western Europe. But the title of emperor was also used in the middle ages, and is still used, in a loose and vague sense, without any ecclesiastical connotation or hint of connexion with Rome (the two attributes which should properly distinguish an emperor), and merely in order to designate a non-European ruler with a large extent of territory. It comprised the territory bounded by a vague line running from the mouth of the Tusca (Wad el Kebir), opposite the island of Tabraca (Tabarca), as far as the town of Thenae (Tina), at the mouth of the Gulf of Gabes. Here again Howell gave a rather plodding performance, playing Antipholus of Ephesus on a sustained note of vague irritation. Other prophets confine themselves to vague and general predictions, but the author of Daniel is strikingly particular as to detail in everything relating to the period in which he lived, i.e. As a protection against these the people construct - having first with much ceremony chosen a tree for the purpose - certain rude images called karwars, each representing a recently dead progenitor, whose spirit is then invoked to occupy the image and protect them against their enemies and give success to their undertakings. Vague, romantic language can be interpreted in different ways and may lead to embarrassing misunderstandings. Though they are vague terms that encompass many areas of your business, once you pinpoint what they mean for your success you will watch your bottom line rise. She rolled her eyes at the vague response. While that much is true, many people get a little vague when it comes to the greenhouse effect and how it's connected to global warming. The other was that vague and quite Russian feeling of contempt for everything conventional, artificial, and human--for everything the majority of men regard as the greatest good in the world. Moreover, the end or ideal of the practical life was conceived of in too vague a way to be of much practical use. The nature of prophecies including those of Edgar Cayce, is that they are usually stated in vague or confusing language that seems far more significant after the fact. Their religion is the worship of spirits, ancestral and otherwise, accompanied by a vague and undefined belief in a Supreme Being, generally regarded as indifferent to the doings of the people. As much as he wanted to stay in the dream world in case it really was the last time he saw her, he couldn't help her while stuck in the dream. To these nations the classical writers had ascribed a traditional importance, the glamour of which still lighted their names, albeit revealing them in the vague twilight of tradition rather than in the clear light of history. Among the latter were the mayor of Zagreb, the poet Vojnovic, and prominent Serb, Croat and Slovene deputies of all parties, including the peasant leader Stephen Radic and the future minister Pribicevic. You may by now be getting a vague inkling that I liked The Moon & Sixpence. There is a somewhat vague dividing line, in popular nomenclature, between "shrubs" and "trees," the former term being usually applied to plants with several stems, of lower height, and bushy in growth. His mother wasn't doing well and from what we could gather from his vague conversations, she wasn't expected to recover. Under the vague term " double " many very different morphological changes are included. Julius Hare belonged to what has been called the "Broad Church party," though some of his opinions ap p roach very closely to those of the Evangelical Arminian school, while others again seem vague and undecided. There is a vague tradition that Edward I. Ne'Rin sent for her less than an hour later with vague explanations of meeting a visitor. The numbers indicite the number of responses to the same information you will ask. The vague pronoun is: she. He makes vague allusions to Harry Potter being his son. The toxin's origin and identity remained vague until Emile van Ermengem (1851-1932), a Belgian professor, isolated Clostridium botulinum in 1895 and identified it as the source of food poisoning. No. Jolie replied with a "I have a few months" when asked about her due date and replied with a vague "maybe" when Morales questioned her about whether or not she and her family plan on staying in France for the birth. Their several histories were fused by the Elizabethan dramatists, and associated with the Maid Marian of the morris dance, who up to that time had probably only a vague connexion with Robin Hood. (68) 1The borders were vague and ill-defined. All the commonly occurring elements and compounds appear to have received notice by the alchemists; but the writings assigned to the alchemical period are generally so vague and indefinite that it is difficult to determine the true value of the results obtained. The book appears to teach individual ethical immortality, though its treatment of the subject is somewhat vague. Popular scents frequently combined with apple fragrances include vanilla, cinnamon, brown sugar, and spice, and these aroma blends may be labeled with more vague titles, such as "Autumn Harvest" or "Country Fall" instead of apple names. It must have a foundation on which to operate, and it grabs onto a few simple choices much more quickly than a dozen vague ones. This is perhaps the most usual definition, and, though vague, one of the least misleading. Maria worked with Josie to complete the project until Maria had to go home. Anger filled him. Such results show the ability of the whole model to map visual scenes of objects into vague linguistic quantifiers. Privacy Policy. They may remember vague images of frightening animals such as spiders or snakes or people who were trying to hurt them. I wonder if she has any vague idea of colour--any reminiscent impression of light and sound. The phrase " mechanical equivalent of heat" is somewhat vague, but has been sanctioned by long usage. A vague recommendation can hurt the person's chances of a promotion or better job position. In June 1127, William, duke of Apulia, grandson of Robert Guiscard, died childless, having apparently made some vague promise of the succession to Roger. Her words about Gabe were troubling, and he couldn't determine if she was purposely vague or really didn't know. His own messengers brought him vague news of unrest from the battlefront and news of there being new opponents at the battle. A wealth of information exists for instructors and students interested in knowing more about ESL business writing. It probably arose in the first instance from a vague popular distinction between the continent itself and the Roman province of "Asia", which at one time included most of the peninsula west of the central salt desert (Axylon). 748 203 The plan was vague on detail, leaving them wondering what to do next. The traits that are required in business writing are very transferable to ESL writers and help them develop simple, focused writing in the active voice. No general census has ever been taken in Ecuador, and estimates are little better than vague conjectures. His terminology was vague and provoked caustic criticism from Berzelius; he assumed that all molecules contained two atoms, and consequently the atomic weights deduced from vapour density determinations of sulphur, mercury, arsenic, and phosphorus were quite different from those established by gravimetric and other methods. After reading the sentence and analyzing its pronouns, we can answer in the following manner:. On the 6th of May 1791 occurred the painful scene in the House of Commons, in which Burke renounced his friendship. Before the end of the war Mexican laws not incompatible with United States laws were by international law supposed to be in force; but nobody knew what they were, and the uncertainties of vague and variable alcalde jurisdictions were increased when Americans began to be alcaldes and grafted English common-law principles, like the jury, on Californian practices. Unfortunately everything had been left so vague, that it was an easy matter for ultra-royalists like Svane and Nansen to ignore the privileges of the Estates, and even the Estates themselves. Find English textbook solutions? Do you know someone with a penchant for vague words and pretending they know what they mean? The mention of Israel on the stele of Merenptah, discovered by Petrie in 1896 (" Israel [Ysirael] is desolated; its seed [or] is not "), is too vague and indefinite in its terms to throw any light on the question of the Exodus. Give me a sentence about vague Advertisement Answer 18 people found it helpful fantasyakath2007 Answer: She rolled her eyes at the vague response. If the answers to your questions sound vague ask for clarification. The Pharisees were occupied with the piecemeal realization of the dreams of their supposed opponents, which gain a vague glory from their being far off. But, though one may at times find it convenient to speak of "Brahmanism and Hinduism," it must be clearly understood that the distinction implied in the combination of these terms is an extremely vague one, especially from the chronological point of view. Second language learners, who have already developed a proficiency in spoken and written language, will benefit from an understanding of the basics of business writing if they plan to enter the business world. He has been represented as a determined apologist of intellectual orthodoxy animated by an almost fanatical "hatred of reason," and possessed with a purpose to overthrow the appeal to reason; as a sceptic and pessimist of a far deeper dye than Montaigne, anxious chiefly to show how any positive decision on matters beyond the range of experience is impossible; as a nervous believer clinging to conclusions which his clearer and better sense showed to be indefensible; as an almost ferocious ascetic and paradoxer affecting the credo quia impossibile in intellectual matters and the odi quia amabile in matters moral and sensuous; as a wanderer in the regions of doubt and belief, alternately bringing a vast though vague power of thought and an unequalled power of expression to the expression of ideas incompatible and irreconcilable. What is a vague pronoun? Offers, flattering but equally vague, were made from France, on the part of the bishop of Bayeux, and even of Francis I. Poland had established a sort of suzerainty over Moldavia as early as the end of the 14th century; but at best it was a loose and vague overlordship which the Hospodars repudiated whenever they were strong enough to do so. There is one exception, which is made clear in the following extract from Sir Walter Gilbey's Ponies Past and Present (1900) Before the establishment of the Hackney Horse Society in 1883 the dividing line between the horse and the pony in England was vague and undefined. In western New Guinea, according to the Dutch missionaries, there is a vague notion of a universal spirit, practically represented Spirit by several malevolent powers, as Manoin, the mostn the woods; Narw, in the worship. There is a vague idea that the "soul" will go somewhere after death, but there is no heaven nor hell, nor idea of a corporeal resurrection. He attributed to his early discipline in this logic an impatience of vague language which in all likelihood was really fostered in him by his study of the Platonic dialogues and of Bentham, for he always had in himself more 6f Plato's fertile ingenuity in canvassing the meaning of vague terms than the schoolman's rigid consistency in the use of them. Its extreme length is about ioo and its breadth varies from 70 to over ioo m., but the exact limits are vague, and the modern signification of the name practically comprehends the peninsula formed by the lower Helmund and its embouchure on the one side and the Hamun (lake) on the other. In the school of Saint-Simon we find a great advance on the vague and confused views of the master. She rolled her eyes at the vague response. Well, you won't do better than the Nouvelle Vague compilation. When attempting to determine what causes fingernail problems, man conditions are diagnosed with the vague "trauma" explanation. She rolled her eyes at the vague response. The data afforded by Eudoxus, however, are far too vague to serve as the basis of any chronological conclusion. The key to the mysteries of Egyptian history had indeed been found, thanks to the recent efforts of Thomas Young and Champollion, but the deciphering of inscriptions had not yet progressed far enough to give more than a vague inkling of what was to follow. Answer 18 people found it helpful fantasyakath2007 Answer: she rolled her eyes at the battle did n't know questions... Here again Howell gave a rather plodding performance, playing Antipholus of Ephesus on a sustained note vague... Give me a sentence about vague Advertisement Answer 18 people found it helpful fantasyakath2007:... Such as spiders or snakes or people who were trying to hurt them or ideal of the subject is vague..., man conditions are diagnosed with the vague response far too vague a to. 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vague sentence brainly